Number 7- PS

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PredatorShipping, marked number 8 in my list. This one was a bit short...

A New Year on the Dinosaur Isles

He rested his head on his knees, his pure white hair shielding his face from the nights bitter cold touch and the winter foliage around him kept him warm from the cold breeze; his dark purple eyes gazing out lazily beyond the cliff he was sitting on, bored. Felix didn't know what to do; he was sitting out here, thinking while the others were probably already safe and tucked into their dens with their dino friends while he wasn't.

He and Kace had gotten into a fight and Kace had run off, leaving Felix behind. Kace had been the one to do the real damage and hurt the Australian uke more than verbally.

So now he sat here, dry tears sitting along his pale colored cheeks.

I wish Kace was back... he thought sadly. He didn't care if Kace started the fight or if he himself got hurt, all he cared about was that if his best friend was okay and back here with him.

"Felix?" he buried his head farther in his arms as he heard his boyfriends, Ryker, familiar voice. "Felix, are you... alright? Have you been crying?" Ryker appeared behind a few bushes and frowned as he saw Felix, kneeling down beside the little uke. "Felix... what happened?"

Felix shook his head and sniffed, trying his best to hold back more tears. "I... Kace and I..." His voice was still very soft and raspy from not being used for so long, but he was finally able to at least talk around Ryker and Kace, really no one else though.

"Oh my god, Felix, what happened? You look as though you've been attacked!" Ryker managed to pull Felix away from his fetal position and noticed then that he had claw marks along his chest, nothing bad, but still enough to worry about.

"Kace..." Felix started and Ryker growled slightly.

"If that stupid dinosaur did this to you, he's dead." he said harshly and Felix's eyes went wide, more tears falling now.

"N-no! Don't hurt him! It was my fault, I... you know he has a bad temper...." Felix finally finished his words and looked down once more. "Please don't hurt him... we got into a fight.... it was all my fault... he ran away..." Felix sniffed and wiped his tears away, wincing slightly at the little pain in his chest, emotionally and physically.

"Oh Felix," Ryker said softly, pulling Felix in for a small hug. "I am so sorry..." Felix blushed lightly at the contact but then closed his eyes tightly and hugged him back, trying to clear up his tears better. "Are you okay, at least?" Ryker asked in a softer voice and smiled at Felix, who pulled back farther from the hug and nodded his head slightly, blushing more as Ryker wiped the remaining tears away.

"I... I am now..." he said and smiled at a the red haired boy. "I-I mean... at least, you're here with me..." Felix looked down, blushing brightly and Ryker smirked at the younger teen, lifting his head up to kiss him.

"Yeah, I know, Felix." he said. "I love you too."

"Happy New Years Ryker." Felix smiled brightly and Ryker chuckled.

"I'm surprised you even knew that, what with you spending so much time here in the Isles." Ryker said and then stood up, pulling Felix up with him. "Come on little uke, let's get you cleaned up, alright?"

Felix nodded lightly and yawned wide before following Ryker back to camp, hand in hand and Felix's head on Ryker's arm.

A Happy New Years indeed, Felix thought.

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