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{𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1}

    The gentle breeze of a peaceful morning carries the soothing chips of birds and lekens through the grassy plains and brakes of the Fandelon forest. Deer and other woodland animals, rustling bushes as they wake, rise from their slumber and peek from their dens and burrows. Silent is the wind, still chilled from the night's embrace, yet routinely broken by the faint sound of wood being carved. A tall male figure, dressed head to toe in a set of pure white plate armor, hacks away at one of the many towering Redwood trees to which the thicket of plains and hills bask under their sturn protection.

    Sariffall's pure cloak of armor, made from the mythical metal Haiton (Steel of the gods), catches the rising sunlight that reaches him through the roof of leaves overhead.

    With an experienced stone axe, Sariffall chops away at the wooden giant's bole. More are there axes carved from stone long retired tossed in a pile to his side of which towers his hip near. Though frail they may have been, their work was effective, for the mighty tree's stump at last is hacked through its center. The tree bends and cracks; and with its balance upturned, and its mass distributed to inequality, it buckles under its own significance. It falls. The mighty Redwood, once standing tall as giants, now collapses under gravities authority.

    Much the same as the warn axes, the woodland animals that live in Fandelon have long since grown experienced to Sariffall's hobby. As such the grove of trees surrounding him long remain vacant of creatures to which the forest bear native. Though scarce most are, some more curious woodland folk can be seen peeking from behind one of the fallen Redwood guardian's preserved siblings.

    The sentinel topples towards the plain's floor, shaking the very greensward forest it had grown from, and sinking into its fertile soil; It remains unwounded by the world quivering impact- the land beneath bending and wavering in its stead. As too does the mould of the forest lands waver under Sariffall's feet as he looks on at his work.

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