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    Her rosemary lips dance across the evening light; and though her eyes may shine with beauty, of fear they share equal. And of fear she looks back at the group of bandit men sharpening the corner to their left. Though actions his mind may have had plenty, Sariffall is rendered helpless in the moment- for the young girl escapes him and runs for her life back into the forest. Followed quickly are the thugs as they reach him steadfast.

    "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?!?" one of the thugs shouts out, his voice filled with gravel. Aside from Ragela's soft tone, this marked the first words to reach his ears. It takes him back for a moment. But not long as half the group splits off to pursue the frantic woman into the thicket of trees, the other half approaches Sariffall with much aggression.

    Leading them is a large burly man of three halves of an average man at least. His face cloaked in a long beard reaching his gut, "WELL!?!!?"
Sariffall looks from side to side at the man's grunts and howls, confused at the man's sudden anger. Though this only fuels the grunts' rage more at the lack of fear in his movements.

    A portion of the group of roughly five keep their distance. For even as tall as their leader may stand, in height Sariffall stands his equal. This fact only aggravates the man further, however, since his appearance shows in his height he may take pride.

    And pride he allows himself to be consumed for he raises his arm above his head high; and, with a shout of anger, he grabs Sariffall by the shoulder, his raised fist clenching as he throws it forward.

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