The Wanted Boy (A Nathan Sykes Story)

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Amy was annoyed. She's spent a great holiday relaxing, shopping and generally having an amazing time out in America - with the beautiful sun and food on every corner. Now she was back in the UK, with its terrible weather, and the flight crew had lost her luggage. She'd been stood by the luggage collection point with her mum (the rest of her family were sitting down a little way off) for an hour now.

"I'm just going to sit down"


Amy watched her mum go and join her dad, brother and sister then glanced up at the display board which showed an newly arrived plane. She sighed and stepped back - she had learned the hard way to get out of the way of impatient arrivals. She watched the passengers gather round and await their luggage. She watched the luggage pass with still no sign of hers. The passengers made their way out and the room fell silent again.

She had wondered many times in the last hour and a half whether she should give up, but her luggage had all their shopping as well as her clothes in - it would be a massive amount of money down the drain. She sighed and out of the corner of her eye saw another plane appear on the screen. She was surprised there was another one so quickly after the recent arrival but then this airport did receive a lot of airplanes... She could hear a small group of passengers walking towards the luggage collection point - only about 6 or 7 and all male it sounded like. She guessed the other passengers were still making their way here. As they entered she deliberately looked away so she didn't seem like she was staring at them. She could hear what they were saying...

"I couldn't believe it!! They were definitely more excitable in New York!!"

"Hahaha definitely, hey Tom! How much luggage you got? We don't want a repeat of Birmingham!"

The rest of the guys sniggered.

"Shut up! How was I supposed to know that'd happen?"

"Nah guys we'll be fine look, there's practically no one here!" said a familiar voice.

Amy snapped her head up towards the boys. They were all between 18 and 22 by the looks of them. There were 5 of the boys striding out slightly in front of the others. She mentally berated herself for not recognising them earlier - she would know these guys anywhere!! It was her absolute favourite band - THE WANTED!!!! Which if course meant that her long term crush - the incredibly sexy Nathan Sykes - was there too!! Should she be all casual and nonchalant or go mad and ask for photos and autographs, and phone numbers. She debated it over quickly as they got closer and closer to her. She sat there occasionally glancing up at them, however none of them seemed to have noticed her. She couldn't miss this opportunity!! Should she cough? Drop something? Make a witty comment?

They stopped by the conveyor belt which was stirring into life but didn't have their luggage yet. She started to panic - what if they didn't see her and just walked off? She would never forgive herself.

As she listened to their conversation she tried to think of witty retorts but every time she thought of one someone said it before she could!

"Wow," Nathan said after a lapse in the conversation "the luggage is taking its time."

"You think you've got it bad? I've been here nearly 2 hours now."

She'd said something!! She was impressed with herself but also petrified of what was about to happen. The boys all spun round towards her.

"Two hours? God, ours better not take that long!" Max exclaimed.

"How come?" probed Nathan. Her heart somersaulted - Nathan Sykes was talking to her!!!

"Well... we're assuming they lost my luggage..."

"Ouch. Can't you go home without it?" he asked, kindly.

"I can... And probably will... But it had all my shopping in..." she moaned.

"Where were you? Can't you just go back?"

The other guys started to lose interest and started up their own conversation as their luggage can into sight.

"America," she smiled sadly "bit far."

He glanced behind him at the conveyor but his luggage wasn't there yet.

"Mmmmm, yeah. I came from there too."

She laughed "I know you did - I was devastated I couldn't get tickets to your gig!"

"Oh so you know us then...?" he smiled at her.

"Know you? You're my absolute favourite band - but then you probably get that a lot!" she smiled at him and then added in a stage whisper "don't tell the others but your my favourite"

He laughed "Oh but that's what they all say, to all of us!"

"Oi, Nath, your luggage?" shouted Jay, interrupting them.

Nathan turned around and swung his luggage off of the conveyor. Tom, Max, Siva, Jay and the other two who Amy assumed to be friends or professional helpers started walking off. Nathan turned back to her.

"This is really weird, I mean I don't even know your name-" he started hurriedly.

"Amy" she cut across him.

"Amy," he smiled at her "but er- umm. I- just mmm errr-"

"Oh just ask her out already!" yelled Jay who'd stopped to wait for him.

Nathan grinned sheepishly at her, she beamed back.

"So... Do you want my number?" she asked grinning.

"Yes" he said with relief in his voice

She gave him her number and he text her his.

"Talk to you soon" he turned to leave.


He stopped, turned round, stared at her face and shook himself then ran off to join Jay. Jay said something she couldn't hear but then Nathan went bright red and turned round to smile at her. She smiled back before wandering over to her family.

"Who was that?" her mum asked, not without amusement.

Hopefully I'll upload my next chapter really soon XD

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