Chapter 8 - At The Hospital

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The Wanted Boy Chapter 8

~at the hospital, in the waiting room~

Amy sat in the waiting room, it was just a check up but she was incredibly bored, Rose had wanted

to come with her for moral support as her mum was working but she had had to change her plans

suddenly and was instead texting her every few minutes.

Helloooo? x sent Rose

Hi! x she replied.

Hey! x

We should stop this now x

Owh :( x

*sigh* x

Hahaha you still waiting? x

Yup, what you up to? X

Homework -_- x


No! I'm just doing homework in the spare time whilst waiting for my surprise to be finished x

:O surprise? What is it? X

You know I can't tell you! You'd be annoyed at yourself if you found out x

True, true x

So... x

... x

Have you heard from Nathan...? x

No :( x

I guess he's busy... x

Yeah - gotta go the doctors here! x

Ok see you x

Rose put her phone down and turned back to her computer screen - two new e-mails, a Facebook

notification and 3 Twitter updates.

Her e-mails were school related, her Facebook message was a friend request from someone she

didn't know (she declined) but it was her Twitter updates that caught her attention. Two new

followers and a reply to one of her tweets.

@NathanTheWanted please can you follow me so I can DM you about some very important stuff

regarding Amy? x

@RosesAreRed sure :) x

Rose did a little fan-girl and checked her DMs, there was a new one from Nathan

What's this surprise then?

Amy's really missing you and I wondered if when you had some free time you could text her? She's

really missing you :S

Awh! Really? I miss her too :( I'm so busy at the moment - it's unreal! But when I get time I'll text her

Thank you ever so much! BTW what's Jay's number :P

Hah! No chance! Get it yourself - though I can drop your name into conversation and see how he

reacts ;-)

OMG!! Can you pleasepleaseplease do that? That would be SO amazing!! Though I don't think he

knows who I am :(

Sure he does! He's the responsible one :P probably checks my follow list every 10 minutes :')

^.^ if he does I can die happy

Woah calm down! I'll let you know how it goes :)

Rose sank back into her seat, happy, and noticed she had a message from Amy again - sent 10

minutes ago. "Ooops" she thought aloud.

Apparently the doctor wasn't here for me -_- x

Hello? x

Rose! Where were you? x

Yeah sorry I was just finishing a question on my maths homework! x

Awh :( well in that time the doctor *did* come for me and he says everything's healing well and he

said I should be back on my feet - though I might still need crutches occasionally - by next Saturday x

That's great! Shall we go out shopping or something? To celebrate x

I can't... x

And why not? x

I've planned to meet Nathan... x

When did this happen? x

Five minutes ago x

So he got back to you x

Yeah... he was so sweet XD x

"I bet..." muttered Rose

Well that's great!! x

IKR! x

Gotta finish this maths, sorry! I'll talk to you later? x

Rose put her phone down and picked up her conversation with Nathan

Thanks for getting in touch with her, I have another favour to ask of you...

It's not asking Jay out is it?

No... Unless you want to double date on Saturday? :P I was thinking more along the lines of Amy...

What do you mean?

End of chapter :D hope you like it - please vote, fan and review

Vanilla_Pod x

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