Chapter 15

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The newly completed The Wanted Boy C15 ;-D

His hand snaked around her head to fist in her hair. He kissed her heatedly and passionately. She was beautiful and he loved her like he had never loved before. He needed her, and by her reaction she needed him. Her hands were on the back of his head, forcing him impossibly closer to her. Her hair smelled heavenly to him - she always smelt amazing to him but this was something else... this was more sub conscious... she was THE ONE. His left hand gently made a path lower and lower down her back before resting on the small of her back. She moaned into the kiss and he smiled to himself. Her tongue was probing his lips begging for entry, he parted his lips and slid his right hand down to just below his left so it rested on her bum. He squeezed it and broke away from the kiss, he grabbed her hand and they ran home - he didn't want to risk a cab - to their apartment. He was so glad to finally be the one in their own room whilst everyone else shared! He quickly got them to his room before locking the door. He turned round to find her undressing quickly and smiling seductively at him. He lunged at her, pulling his shirt off.

He didn't remember anymore - he knew they'd had sex and fallen asleep together and when he's awoken she was gone, leaving him with a splitting headache. But he didn't know I'd he'd dreamt it or if he'd gotten drunk and the whole ordeal was real. Then there was the problem of who was she? If it was a dream then it didn't matter, did it? But if it had been real... Suddenly he felt very cold in his bed and decided to get up - even though it was only 7 am. He made himself breakfast to try and help take his mind off things but he just ended up with bacon that was half burnt...

In the next hour the rest of the boys made their way downstairs and made their breakfast too. But Jay didn't emerge - at least 2 hours after he had originally come down, Jay still wasn't down so he decided to find him. He got up to go up the flight of stairs that led to Jay's room.

"Where you going, Nath?"

He span round.

"To wake Jay up..."

"Jay didn't come home last night..."

"What?! Do management know?!"

"He's visiting family! Don't you remember?"

He shook his head - Jay was the only one he could tell. He trusted Tom, Max and Siva but didn't feel comfortable telling them something like this.

"So when is he back?"

"He said he'd text us but that he'd be back by 5 if there was a problem, 2 if it was OK..." Tom looked faintly remorseful. Jay was visiting his gran or aunt - he [Nathan] couldn't quite remember. He glanced at the clock; the face read 9:21AM. He decided to change into his jogging bottoms and go to the mini gym at the back of their apartment.

He ran up the stairs and - upon seeing the state of his room - decided it was best if he tidied a bit. He picked up his clothes that were on the floor and dumped them on the dresser before making his bed and changing into his gym gear.

~3 hours later~

After 1 1/2 hours of gym training he had given up and changed into jeans, a top and his favourite SnapBack. He was now sat at the table with a plate that had originally had a omelette on it before he polished it off. He didn't usually have omelettes but he had fancies something different for lunch and at the idea of an omelette he had been satisfied so he had whipped up an double egg omelette for his lunch. At quarter to 1 Max walked in and started concocting his own lunch.

"What's up, Nath?"

He started "Wha-?"

Max laughed "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing. Anyone heard from Jay?"

"Uh huh..." Max didn't look convinced but he didn't want to tell him "He said we should meet him back here at 2 - hence I came back for lunch..." he smiled.

"Cool." was his short reply. That meant he could tell Jay today. As he had over an hour until then Nath decided to watch a movie in his room. He dumped his plate in the sink and trudged upstairs and selected his favourite movie; Mean Girls. He wouldn't tell anyone that it was his favourite movie so he kept it hidden under his mattress, safe from prying eyes. He switched the TV on and inserted the disc. He snuggled down onto his bed. He pressed play, as the film went on he sunk further and further down onto his bed so he was effectively lying on it. His eyelids started to droop and soon he was fast asleep.

The credits rolled over the screen and it went back to the menu. Someone tiptoed in - got what they wanted and left, shutting the door behind them. He woke with a start. The TV was on the menu screen for Mean Girls - but he had definitely started it so he must have slept through it! His clock read 13:54 PM, he quickly extracted the disc and turned the TV off.  He slipped the case back under his mattress and wandered downstairs. Jay was sat at the breakfast bar gently snoring whilst Tom and Max took turns to balance things on his sleeping body, so far a spatula, 2 forks and a plastic plate were perched on him. Tom motioned for Nathan to keep quiet so as not to wake Jay. As an idea came into his head a wide smile spread across his face. Max nudged Tom and pointed and they slowly backed away from Jay understanding what Nathan was about to do. He snuck around to find to saucepan lids and as Siva wandered in gesticulated for him to do the same. They stood either side of Jay.

"1..." whispered Nath

"2..." muttered Siva

"3!" yelled Max, Tom, Siva and Nathan as they clanked the lids together and ran for cover as the items on Jays head went flying everywhere.

"Why?!" exclaimed Jay at the boys in front of him who were crying with laughter.

"Why not?" they chorused.

Jay grunted in annoyance and made to resume his slumber. Still sniggering Nathan walked over and asked to talk to him.

"Whatever..." he replied unenthusiastically.

They went upstairs and just before Nathan shut the bedroom door he heard Tom explode with laughter, setting Max and soon Siva off too.

"Right er um Jay... I errr I need your help. This is gonna sound really stupid but I had this dream well I guess the thing is I'm not sure if it was a dream and you're the only one I trust to tell but I'm not sure if... if... if it actually happened..." he trailed off and turned around to find Jay snoring on his bed as if it were the most natural thing at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. He sighed and sat in the edge if the bed - should he wake Jay up? Or should he let him catch up on his sleep? He guessed Jay was truly knackered so he wandered back downstairs.

Tom, Max and Siva were huddled together, talking in low voices. He thought he heard his name mentioned but didn't catch the whole sentence.

"What's this about me?"

"You, mate?"

"You said my name...!"

A brief look of panic flashed across Siva's face.

"Nah mate!" but they didn't continue the conversation.

What had they been talking about? He was about to enquire further when they heard an almighty crash from above.

Hey guys sorry about the humongous delay in updating - I'm kinda stressed at the moment :/ to (hopefully) make up for it I will be taking one-shot requests for the next few days which can be updated a lot quicker than chapters ;-)

Dedicated to the amazing Amy_TW because without her this chapter wouldn't be here!

Please comment, fan, vote etc :D I really appreciate it

Vanilla_Pod xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2013 ⏰

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