Chapter 5

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The Wanted Boy C5

~The Day Of The Date With Nathan~

"Amy! Get up!! Rose is here!"

Amy groaned and rolled over - it was still only 9 o'clock, it must be serious business to get Rose here.

"I'm up" she yelled back "Rose come up here!"

Rose traipsed upstairs and walked in to find Amy lying in bed not looking happy. She was surprised she wasn't up and ready unless... unless she'd forgotten!? How could she forget?! This was gonna be the best day if her life so far!!

"AMY!" Rose exclaimed "don't you remember?!"

"Remember what?" Amy moaned

"Your coffee date? With NATHAN SYKES!!!! Of The Wanted!!! Is in 5 hours and you're not ready!!!"

Amy leaped out of bed and started dancing then ran to the bathroom. Rose called through the door.

"Had you decided on an outfit?"

"Mo!" Amy shouted back with a toothbrush in her mouth.

"Well I brought a few" rose laughed as she emptied three dresses, five tops and two pairs of jeans onto Amy's bed. She also laid out her make-up and jewellery.

When Amy came back in she'd showered, washed her hair, shaved her legs, buffed her nails and was generally radiating joy.

Rose ordered her to go have breakfast, wash her teeth and decide what kind if look she was going for in the next 10 minutes. 7 minutes later Amy bounded back into her room.

"Sexy or cute?" Rose fired at her


"Quickly you!"


"Hmmmm good choice! Dress or jeans?"

"Jeans.... Well trousers... Skirt? Dress? No... shorts... No wait! Trousers" Amy decided.

Rose held up two outfits. Amy pointed to the left one. Rose put the right one down and picked up another. Thus time, Amy pointed to the right one. Just to be sure Rose held up the original outfit again - Amy still selected the third one. Cute but sexy. A pair of simple jeans and an slightly low-cut top that she pulled off perfectly. They quickly moved onto hair and make-up. They decided on smokey eyes but natural lips - possibly some lip balm - and slight blusher to bring out her cheekbones. They curled her hair so it fell in soft curls framing her face perfectly. Rose looked her up and down.

"I've got just the thing!" She started rummaging again whilst Amy turned round to look at herself in the mirror. She was so excited about her coffee date and had to look perfect. Rose pulled out a long necklace which had a lock and key on. She pulled in over Amy's head and pulled her hair through so it wasn't caught on the necklace. She stood back to survey her work.

"Go and find a mirror" she ordered her friend "if you don't like it we've still - just - got time to change it!"

Amy wandered into her parents room and stared in their full length mirror - she didn't often wear make-up but Rose had really outdone herself. She looked sexy, yet cute at the same time.

"So?" Shouted Rose

"It's perfect!" Amy squealed

Amy ran back in but Rose held her at arms length away - "no ruining the look now!" They hugged awkwardly so they didn't ruin her make-up or hair.

They looked over at the clock. It read 1:34 pm - her date was at 2:30. Rose suggested that she had a biscuit then redid her teeth and they could set off.

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