The Wanted Girl

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The Wanted Boy Chapter 2

~A week later~

Her best friend was sat on her bed after only just getting back from Mallorca and had only just heard the news.

"Oh My God! Are you serious?!"

"Yes." Amy said

"How are you not EXCITED?!"

"I know it's stupid but he said he'd talk to me soon..."

"Oh Mimi... He's famous, he's incredibly busy!" Whilst Amy appreciated her friends words she still couldn't hide her pain. It had been a week and not only had Nathan not texted her, her luggage was still on its way from Singapore (she was not happy).

"Umm.. Amy?"


"Have you... have you checked your twitter recently?"

Amy searched half-heartedly for her iPod touch, and found her BlackBerry. She turned it on an loaded up twitter. She scrolled through her mentions. Nothing exciting, she put her BlackBerry down.

"Didn't you see it?" Rose exclaimed

"See what?" Amy groaned

"Nathan did an indirect! About you!!"

"What?!" she hurriedly unlocked her BlackBerry and searched for Nathan page.

"Met this amazing girl, but I don't want to look to eager - what if she doesn't like me? Maybe she has a boyfriend...? Hope she has her luggage..."

"Ohmigod!!!" Amy squealed

"You HAVE to text him!" Rose shouted

"But what? What do I say!"

During the next hour they composed a suitable text

"Hey :) hope you're good, turns out my luggage got sent to Singapore -_- hoping to get it back before Saturday though :) x"

They debated over whether to put the kiss but Rose won and they sent it before Amy could change her mind. To take Amy's mind off it a bit Rose dragged her downstairs to watch a movie - she chose Abduction. After the movie they trudged back up to Amy's room to flick through some magazines. Before they could even choose which magazine the red light started flashing on Amy's BlackBerry, Rose calmly pointed this out and they opened the text.

Sorry it's only a short chapter but I'll be updating again soon

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Vanilla_Pod xxx

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