Chapter 12

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The Wanted Boy C12

"Is Nathan here?"

"Yeah" said Issy then she walked off back to the play room.

The man laughed before letting himself in and closing the door after entering. He knew Nathan was there, he'd passed his bike outside but he needed an excuse to enter the house. He walked through the hall - he stuck his head round a doorway which led to a lounge. A woman was sat there, alone. He quickly pulled his head back hoping to avoid awkward questions but she's seen him.

"Hello...?" she called out

"Um... Hi" he walked in

"Can I help you?"

"I'm looking for Nathan, Nathan Sykes?"

"And you are?"

"A friend of his"

"Which friend?"

"My name won't mean anything to you" he chuckled

"So there's no harm in giving it to me" she smiled sweetly back

"Touché, it's Tom"


"Yes! But how did you...?"

"My daughter"

"Ahah big fan?"

"Yeah - one of the biggest!"

"Aha! So, where is Nathan?"

"Upstairs but err um I would knock before you enter"

Tom laughed and thanked her before heading upstairs. He knew Nathan well and there's no way he would be doing anything with this girl so early on in their relationship. He could see to his left a young girls bedroom, to the far right a closed door, to his immediate right an ajar door through which he could see a young boy playing guitar. This left, apart from the bathroom, one room.

He ignored the woman's - whom he presumed to be the girls mum - advice and just opened the door. In front if him he saw Nathan and the girl - whose name he really must find out, though he had a feeling Nathan would ensure everyone knew her name - sharing a passionate kiss. It wasn't til he coughed that they sprung apart. The girl blushed, she was very pretty but not Toms type. He hasn't really looked at her at the airport but now he could see she had fair brown hair, piercing green eyes (just like Nathan) and a beautiful smile. She was skinny with long legs which were curled into a strange position which suggested she had once been sat cross-legged but had moved significantly since. He had expected Nathan to look a little embarrassed too but he showed nothing except slight annoyance at their interruption. This girl must be really special, he hasn't known her that long - he's fallen pretty fast. Nathan didn't usually fall this quickly for girls... Tom hoped this was a good sign and not a bad one.

"Well..." said Tom

"Hi" said Amy

"What are you doing here?" Demanded Nathan.

"Hi, I'm here cause I was passing and I thought you might appreciate the lift home."

"My bikes outside"

"I saw it"

"So it's pretty obvious I don't need a rude home. Why are you here?"

Amy sat there in silence - a small part of her was scared but she was mainly a mixture if annoyance and curiosity. Annoyance at Tom interrupting and curious at Toms presence. She didn't know what to do so settled for being as still as possible hoping they might forget she was there.

Tom laughed "Look, I'm just here - OK?"

"No! It's not 'OK' Tom! I'm here with MY GIRLFRIEND and you just waltzed in wanting my attention. You didn't even knock!"

Amy's heart soared at Nathan saying it aloud - his girlfriend. She grinned to herself.

Tom was flabbergasted 'girlfriend'? How long had they known each other?!

"So you're angry that I didn't knock?"

"No, I'm angry that you have turned up for no reason at my girlfriends house demanding to see me "so I had a ride home" what happened Tom? Why are you here?"

"No reason..."

"THEN LEAVE!" bellowed Nathan.

"I CAN'T" Tom bellowed back

Amy knew she had to say something but she didn't know what.

"SHUT UP!" she yelled - though she knew her mum would be annoyed at her language she knew this had to stop.

Both boys looked at her. Now she had to think on her feet.

"Tom, please can you step outside of my room for a few minutes"

He reluctantly did so.

"I-" started Nathan

"Shhhhhh" she soothed "you should probably go home with him"

He started to protest so she kissed him, he was quickly distracted and kissed her back. She didn't ever want him to leave but she knew he had to so she gently pulled out if the kiss and rested her forehead against his.

"See you soon"

Nathan took this as his cue to leave but wasn't going to let her play the dominant one in their relationship. As he stood up he brought her with him so she was stood in his arms. He swiftly kissed her and whispered in her ear that he would see her as soon as he could, before leaving the room. Amy heard him take Tom downstairs and leave her house. The sound of a motorbike started and faded away into the distance. He was gone - she missed him already.

Her mum called up asking if everything was OK

"Yeah! Nathan just had to get back earlier than he thought!" she called back.

She sank back down onto her bed, a thousand questions running through her mind. Why had Tom been there? Why had Tom lied? There was also another question running through her mind, if she missed him after 5 minutes how was she going to cope when they went to America next week?

I'm updating as often as possible but I still dont seem to be getting as many new chapters up as I would like - this chapter is dedicated to Amy_TW because without her this chapter would'nt have been written :-) Vanilla_Pod x

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