Chapter 11

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The Wanted Boy C11

They went inside and slipped up the stairs to Amy's - surprisingly clean - room. Her mum must have done some tidying up whilst they were out - she made a mental note to thank her later. They sank down on Amy's bed - Nathan looked around her room - smiling at her posters - especially the one of just him. Amy blushed prettily. Her room wasn't massive but it was a perfectly fine size for a bedroom - it was cosy and homely. Nathan immediately felt at home. He turned to see her watching him.

"Does it pass?" she teased

He laughed softly. Amy smiled at how easy it all was - she wasn't particularly shy with boys but this was so easy, so perfect. Her and him, just chilling up in her room-

*knock* "Can I come in?"

"Sure" says Nathan.

Amy groans and Issy bounded in before stopping in front of Nathan.

"Hello" he smiled

Issy took to him immediately "Hi! I'm Issy and you're Nathan! You're part of The Wanted and you turn 20 in April!"

"How do you know all that?!"

"Amy told me" she said simply.

Amy's mum called up "Issy? Issy leave Amy and Nathan alone! Come here!"

Issy walked out the room and downstairs.

"So" said Nathan turning to face Amy "you've told your family all about me..."

She blushed "Sorry"

Nathan looked confused for a second before explaining "There's nothing wrong with that! I like it! Shows you like me" he winked.

"Of course I like you!!"

"So you'll officially be my girlfriend?"

Amy pretended to consider it deeply before sticking her tongue out and shouting "YES!"

At this she hugged him and Nathan saw a boy emerge from a nearby door and say "Amy shush I'm trying to practise guitar!"

Amy made a move to close the door in his face but Nathan held her still. "You never told me you had a brother!

"I'm James"


"I know, Amy doesn't shut up about you." On this note he too went downstairs.

He turned back to Amy who started to protest about 'never shutting up about him' but he silenced her in the best way possible, with his lips. Amy quickly matched his force and pressure, his soft lips travelling over hers. They kissed like this until Amy's mum called them down for tea. Amy took Nathan's hand and they descended the stairs and went into the dining room together - a sign of their future as a couple.

As they entered 2 pairs of eyes watched them (whilst another pair were fixed on the food in front of them) - flicking down to their entwined hands. One looked confused whereas the other smiled.

"Why are you holding hands?" asked Issy

"Hello again" said Amy's mum with a twinkle in her eye "why don't you sit down? James! Stop playing with your food!"

James - who had been sculpting his bread into a cauliflower shape quickly stuffed it in his mouth. Amy looked disgusted but Nathan laughed quietly. He squeezed her hand and they went around the table and say down.

"It's just a simple tea" Amy's mum apologised

"That's quite alright Mrs Touress! I love pasta!"

James muttered something that sounded very much like "don't tell Amy"

"Oh call me Fiona!" she replied

Nathan beamed and they all tucked in to the bowl of pasta in front of each if them. Nathan finished first, then Amy shortly followed by Fiona (I don't want to call her Mrs Touress or Amy's mum but Fiona sounds weird) and James and Issy who gave up and started playing in their respective tablets.

"Isobel! James! Put those away!" exclaimed Fiona.

She left with their dishes to go and get dessert, she returned with a tub if strawberry ice-cream. Amy turned to Nathan who winked at her - both if them reliving their little picnic earlier.

"How many scoops, Nathan? Amy?"

"2 please!" cut in Issy

"Wait Issy!"

"I'll have two please" laughed Nathan

"Three for me!" Said Amy happily.


"I don't want any" he moaned and left the room

Fiona felt out the correct amounts of ice cream to each person and they all dug in. Even though Amy had had three scoops she finished first and sat their humming.

As soon as Nathan finished Amy asked if they could leave but she was told to wait for Issy, she continued her humming and Nathan, recognising the song, joined in. As it got to Nathan's part of I Found You he started singing under his breath. By the end if the song Issy was finished and Amy and Nathan excused themselves. They hurried back up to Amy's room before her mum could keep them downstairs.

"3 scoops, eh?" he teased advancing on her.

"Haha couldn't Nathan manage any more?" she teased back.

Nathan puts his arms around her "I wasn't hungry for ice cream" he kissed a trail from her forehead to the tip if her nose "I'm hungry for you" he said before kissing her passionately. Her arms went around his neck, one of them would occasionally moan into the kiss. He traces his tongue along the line between her two lips. She slowly, and a little unsurely, opened them and Nathan took full advantage. Her first French kiss.

Downstairs someone knocked on the door. Fiona sighed, she was quite comfy in her chair - she couldn't be bothered to get it. Someone else could for a change. She always had to do the work around the house - she had cleaned her daughters bedroom earlier after weeks of pestering her and she hasn't even started! Besides, her husband was away on work so it wasn't likely to be him or anyone she knew! She left it, they would go away eventually. But they didn't, they rang the doorbell. Still she couldn't be bothered to move.

Issy was in the playroom on her tablet, playing Mine craft however she could hear the person outside shuffling and talking to himself - it was very distracting so she answered the door. A tall man, slim with a very shock of dark hair stood in front of her.

"Is Nathan here?"

Heya guys hopefully the next chapter will be up soon - suffering from writers block a bit! Also, I'm inundated with work ATM! Vanilla_Pod x

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