Chapter 6

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The Wanted Boy C6

~In the car on the way to Amy's coffee date with Nathan~

"Have you decided what you're ordering?"

"A tall glass of him?!?!"

"Seriously! Though if he asks be sure to use that one! You need to know or you'll spend hours choosing!"

"Fine!" said Amy sighing "I'll order a Cappuccino!"

"If that's not on the menu?"

"Hot Chocolate!"

"Right OK, no matter what's on that menu you're ordering a Cappuccino! And if there's no Cappuccino-"

"I'll order a hot chocolate. I get it" Amy rolled her eyes at her friend.

"Good" laughed Rose, satisfied with her work.

They sat in silence for 10 minutes - then they made eye contact and burst out laughing. Amy's mum turned round.

"What *are* you two laughing at?"

They both continued to laugh until Rose pointed out she'd better save some laughter for her date.

They arrived outside the coffee shop. The two girls clambered out. Rose went round to Amy and gave a good-luck hug. Amy's phone buzzed. She checked it, it was from Nathan detailing that he was waiting inside for her so as not to attract too much attention. She replied quickly and her phone buzzed again.

"Good luck with your date!"

Amy looked at Rose.

"You're stood right-"

"Have a great day!"

Rose span Amy around whispered in her ear 'Knock 'Em Dead' and pushed her forwards - towards the door. Amy calmly opened the door - waved goodbye to her mum and Rose and looked round to find Nathan. She couldn't see him until she craned her neck around a corner. She beamed and stride over to him.

"Sorry!" He said standing up to help her with her jacket "I didn't want to be disturbed!"

"Ooooh sounds like we're dealing" Amy joked.

"Yeah change of plan!" Nathan sassed back.

She laughed and the waiter came over to take their order. 'Lucky' thought Amy 'a waitress would know who he is'. She ordered her Cappuccino smiling to herself as she heard Rose's voice replaying in her ear.

They sat their drinking their coffee's having a pleasant conversation.

"I can't believe I had to see, the girl of my dreams cheating on me..."

As Warzone started Nathan blushed.

"It must be awkward hearing your own stuff like this?!"

"Yeah... Especially this one..."

Amy understood and didn't press the matter.

"I got my luggage back!"

"That's great!" He seemed genuinely happy for her. Amy beamed inwardly.

"Hahahaha yup! Don't think we'll be flying with them again!"

"Oh I'll lend you a jet!" Nathan joked.

"Brilliant!" she exclaimed, smiling.

There was a pause in the conversation. She looked at him properly for the first time. His hair was slightly out of place due to the air conditioning and those lips... He leaned closer to her and she reciprocated eagerly. She blinked slowly, this was a perfect moment.

"And here's your bill." Announced the waiter, dully.

Amy wanted to scream at him but instead she smiled and reached for her bag.

"Oh no you don't!" Said. Nathan firmly "I'm paying!"

Amy flushed happily.

After they'd paid they took a walk round the town before sitting on a bench in the corner of the park.

"It's nice to get a day to myself - to do what *I* want to do" he smiled at her.

Amy returned the smile. It was now or never. She leant over and kissed him - she had intended to a short kiss so it wasn't awkward but Nathan happily elongated it. He pulled her over onto his lap.

They pulled apart

"I've wanted to do that all day!" said Amy, shyly.

"Me too!" admitted Nathan.

They sat in silence for a while simply enjoying each others company.

"When do I have to get you back by?" Nathan asked.

"Oh I'll get the 4 o'clock bus - it's too far out if your way!" she protested.

"Hahahaha nice try but I want to spend as much of this day with you as I can!"

Amy blushed and felt her heart skip a beat. She was on a date. With Nathan Sykes - love of her life. And he'd just told her he wanted to spend more time with her! She was almost dying at the thought.

"Me too." she smiled back at him.

"You're so cute when you blush." he observed, causing her to blush again.

They laughed together. She wondered what she'd tell Rose about today - a question filled her head. What were they now? Were they a couple? Friends?

"What's up? You look troubled." Nathan probed.

She bit the bullet "I was wondering what I say to my friend when she asks if we're a couple yet. I don't want to pressure you or rush you..."

"What would you like us to be?"

"Married" she thought. "I would love us to be dating but-"

"You have a boyfriend don't you..."

"What? No!? I was gonna say that you've always said you can't date.... You know cause of the band..."

Nathan looked visibly relieved. Then his face fell again.

"What is it?"

"Fans! In the other side of the park. If we're going out I'll make it obvious now. If not... well I guess I won't have to."

"Have to?" She thought. She hoped he was only saying that for want of a better word.

"Nathan James Sykes" his head snapped round towards her "will you go out with me?".

The fans were halfway across the park now.

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