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Dance class had been hell lately. Calum completely ignored me unless it was to tell me I was doing something wrong or to point out my mistakes. Dakota said she felt bad for me and offered to talk to him, but I just said it wasn't worth it.

"Luke! Mike and his friend are here! Time to move some furniture!" Ashton yelled. Not only would have to share my room with a complete stranger, but I'll also be having to move all of their shit up to the third floor. Fuck my life.

I trudged into the living room, smelling the familiar scent of cigarette smoke. I grimaced from not really liking the smell too much.

"Luke!" Ashton jumped up from the couch, taking my attention away from the scent. "This is Michael," he introduced me to the blue haired boy who had an eyebrow and a lip piercing. He also reminded me of Calum since he was covered in tattoos just like him. "And... that is Calum," he added, nodded towards the person sitting on the couch next to Michael.


I'm going to be living and sharing a room with Calum??


"Oh, hey." Calum waved, finally looking up from his phone.

"Hi," I sneered.


After bringing up all of the boys' furniture, I plopped down on my bed, which used to be in the middle of by room, but was now pushed up against the wall since I was now shared the space. I hadn't even offered to help Calum put his bed frame together.

"Thanks for the help." He sent a scowl my way.

"No problem."

"Can you at least turn some music on?" He sighed, screwing two pieces together.

"Fine," I huffed, getting up and plugging my phone into the speaker.

Lana Del Rey started playing, and Calum gave me a surpised look as I sat back down.

"What?" I questioned.

"You like her too?"

"No Calum, because I would totally have her music on my phone if I didn't," I said sarcastically.



"Looks like you guys are getting on well, huh?" Ashton chuckled, leaning on the doorframe.

"Swimmingly," I muttered.

"Mikey and I are goin' out, so try not to kill each other, 'kay?" He informed us, Calum nodding and me huffing dramatically. "By the way, don't blame me for putting you two into this situation. I didn't know," he added as he left down the hall.

Ashton knew how much of a dick Calum had been. He basically knew everything, because I would tell him everything That's just how we were. He knew everything about my life, and I knew everything about his.

"So, it's just me and you..." Calum sighed, trying to adjust his headboard.

"I guess," I mumbled, flopping back onto my pillows.

"God, you're so boring," he complained after a few minutes of silence.

"Excuse me, I am not boring," I exclaimed, clearly offended. I was not boring. Me, of all people, should not be considered boring, on any day.

"Yes, you are. I mean, all you do is lay there. And, just look at all your books, there are like a million of them."

"I'm sorry, but since when is reading or having an interest in books boring?!" I defended, sitting up.

"Since, like, forever," he said simply, like it was obvious. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off as I laid back down.

"Oh, trying to be a bad boy, huh?" He laughed.

"Seriously, you need to shut the fuck up," I murmured, turning onto my stomach and talking into my pillow.

"Aww, did you turn over to hide your blushing face? Is little Lukey embarrassed?" He laughed in a baby tone.

"Calum, I'm serious."

"You already said you were," he pointed out. I could hear his footsteps coming towards my bed until I felt his presence right next to me.

"I bet you're ticklish aren't you?" He threatened.

I turned my face to look at him. "Don't you fucking dare."

"Oh, but I will." And with that he started tickling my sides, making me wiggle underneath his touch.

I gasped for air as I begged him to stop. He finally stopped long enough for me to act on instinct; I jumped up from the bed and began to tickle him.

I squealed as he ran out of the room. I followed, slipping a little once my socks hit the hardwood floor of the hallway.

"You get back here!" I shouted, running into the living room.

"Never!" Calum mused.

I eventually got him cornered in the kitchen and basically tickled him until he looked like he was about to pass out.

"Bad boy has a weak spot, huh?" I teased, taking a bottle of water from the fridge as he sank to the floor, catching his breathe.

"Shut up. You have the same weak spot, so don't act like it's abnormal," he snapped, breathless.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I waved his comment off.

He sighed and stood back up. He grabbed me water bottle just as I was about to take a drink of it.

"Dude!" I exclaimed as he gulped the water down.

"What?" He asked innocently, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve.

"God, how am I gonna live with you?!" I huffed, throwing my hands up in the air in frustration.

"Calm down, it's just water," he chuckled.

I huffed again, stomping back to our room. Ugh, our. I officially hate that word.

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