Twenty *

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Important a/n at the end so be sure to read that

Listening to Ease by Troye Sivan while writing this and honestly this weekend was one of the roughest weekends I've had in a while so now I'm just relaxing. Plus, I stayed home from school today because I was sick :----)))) My friends said I missed a lot today :------))))))))))


Third person P.O.V

"Calum, come on!" Luke yelled, his voice echoing throughout the large studio room. "Your foot work is backwards!"

He huffed, stopping his movements and fell to the floor to breathe deeply towards the ceiling. "I am," -breath- "so," -breath- "fucking done with," -breath- "with this shit."

Luke went to join the boy in the floor, sitting instead of lying down. He rubbed Calum's thigh softly. "At least you're getting some good practice in."

"But I'm dying while doing so," Calum chuckled, grinning at the blonde next to him. His little quiff was peeking out of the grey beanie he had stolen from the dark-haired boy, and a red sweater clung to his torso, the same going for his skinny jeans with his long legs.

Luke leaned down, leaving a chaste kiss on the corner of Calum's mouth. "You're fucking adorable sometimes." Luke moved to lay down now, his head on Calum's rising and falling chest. He took a deep breathe in. "And you smell like strawberries."

"Your favorite."


The two stayed in that position for what felt like forever. They were the only ones in the studio that evening, so they didn't have to worry about someone coming in and ruining their peace.

With tattooed arms keeping him secure, Luke had never felt so at ease. The Kiwi was his new found comfort, he realized. It was in those moments when he also realized just how privileged he was to know the real Calum Hood. Everyone thought he was this big tough guy who could beat anyone in the streets, or on the dance floor for the matter.

He felt proud of his boy for not giving in to his urges lately; dancing had kept him focused and grounded in his thoughts. Maybe this won't be so hard after all... Luke hummed in his head.


I quiet whimper was heard from the other side of the room. Luke sat up, rubbing is eyes with his fist and turning his bedside lamp on with his other hand. He looked over to see Calum sat on his bed, rocking back and forth with his knees tucked to his bare chest. Luke could see the sweat forming on the boy's forehead and the tears rushing down his red cheeks.

He jumped up and raced over. "Cal? Calum, what's wrong?" He asked in a slur, grabbing the boy's face gently and rubbing his thumbs under his eyes to get rid of the present tears.

"I-I," he breathed out, choking on his own words. "I can't do it, L-Luke." He shook his head, looking down in defeat and stopping his rocking to bury his face in his hands.

"Calum..." Luke sighed, sitting next to him and bringing him into his arms. "You were doing so good, what triggered it?"

The dark-haired boy sniffled. "I don't know, I just-" he hiccuped, cutting himself off. He laughed at himself for how foolish he must have looked right then. "Damn, I'm a mess."

"An amazing mess that I wouldn't trade for anything else," Luke blurted out, catching even himself off guard. Calum look up at him in shock, feeling the color in his cheeks deepen.

"Y-You don't mean that. You don't have to lie to make me feel b-better," Calum whispered, curling into himself. He didn't want to be played; he didn't want to force Luke into thinking he was feeling things he wasn't. All he wanted was for the boy to discover who he was and be happy, not lie about how he felt about someone.

"But I'm not lying. You make me feel all weird inside, in a good way, though," Luke explained, taking the tan hand that had tattoos over the back and knuckles of it in his own. "It's just- different? Yet lovely at the same time."

Calum grinned up at the blonde, cupping his cheeks and pecking him all over his face.

Luke giggled. "Better now?"

"Better," Calum confirmed, pulling Luke down with him to rest their heads on the pillow and wrapping themselves in the blanket.


Okay the next chapter will be the end

So if I make a sequel, would anybody actually read it? If so please leave baby names because cake children will be a thing :)

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