Twenty-one: "YES!!"

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A month had passed, and things were getting better for everyone. For a while, everyone lived on the Ghost, and when a house was built for Sabine and Ezra (who were dating), the mentioned moved out and had a simple life. But they loved it. Ursa, Alrich, and Tristan were living with Sabine and Ezra, and Hera kept the Ghost nearby until she was sure that her "older kids" were okay.

She and Sabine were getting closer every day, although not as close as they used to be. But they were doing their best. Everyone was happy (except for Ursa, who still felt guilty because she thought she let her Clan and people down, but managed to make the best of it), and for Ezra, he was the most out of all of them. He had told Ursa, Alrich, and Ahsoka what he was going to do, and he couldn't wait.

Mid-summer had come to Lothal, and the planet was getting ready to have their newly annual celebration. The day that the Empire was defeated on Lothal  (Ezra's and Thrawn's disappearance) had come, and it was now tradition to have a gigantic festival. 

This also happened to be on Life Day (or as it's known on Mandalore, Peace Day), and it was also Sabine's birthday.

A/N: Don't judge! My heart is evil, and I like making Sabine suffer; even though she's my favorite character!! Pain makes her strong; she uses that pain to grow stronger. Back to the story..................

Ezra couldn't wait. Let's just leave it at that. 

Sabine came out of her room, wearing something that made Ezra lose himself.

She was wearing a dress.

Okay, it was kind of like a dress. He didn't know what it was called.

She was wearing a (white) iridescence dress that had shorts in the front. But it matched beautifully with her newly dyed, shoulder-length, yellow hair. 

"I-uh-like your dress or whatever it's called," Ezra said; blushing.

Sabine giggled.

"Thanks. It's called a walk-through dress," she said.

"I like it. It looks good on you."

"I also like your dark orange suit. Looks nice."


Ursa walked into the hallway. She was wearing a black walk-through dress.

"I never thought I'd see that ferocious Mandalorian woman in a dress," Ezra thought.

"Are you two ready to go?" She asked, giving a quick glance at Ezra. But Sabine didn't notice it. She was to busy trying to calm herself down. 

"More than ready!" Sabine couldn't hold it back. To be honest, Ezra was having a hard time not bursting with excitement and fear.  

"Then let's go!" Ursa exclaimed, and turned toward the door.

Ezra offered his arm to Sabine, and she took it.

Then they walked out into the sun-lit sky.

After spending time with Hera (who was wearing an aqua dress), Tristan, Alrich (who were both wearing a simple black suit), Ahsoka (who was wearing a silver walk-through dress), Ketsu (who, like Ursa, was wearing a black walk-through dress), Zeb (who was wearing a simple black suit), Jacen (who was wearing play clothes), and not to mention Chopper and Sabine (and Ursa), he asked Sabine to dance with him.

The music started slow, and all of the dancing pairs started a waltz. 

"I didn't know you danced. I was surprised when you said you would dance with me," Ezra whispered.

"I'm full of surprises," Sabine whispered teasingly.

"And so am I," thought Ezra. After the dance, he glanced at Ahsoka, who gave him his signal, and he asked Sabine to walk with him.

"You just really want to spend time with me, don't you?" Sabine asked with a gleam in her eye.

"Yeah," he replied, chuckling. He lead her to the lake, and the two watched hand in hand as the sun sat beneath the water. 

"Now's my chance!" Ezra thought nervously and excitedly. 

Turning to Sabine, he said, "Sabine. I've thought long about this, and I know there is no one who means more to me than you."

Sabine looked at him, confusion in her gaze.

"I wanted to ask you, if you would do one thing for me," he continued. Sabine nodded, still mystified, and not knowing to be happy or scared.

Ezra got down on one knee.

"Sabine, will you do me the honor of marring me?"

Sabine was speechless. Then she started crying.

"Yes! Yes I will!" She cried, throwing her arms around him.

Ezra slipped the iridescence colored ring he had been holding when he got down onto her finger. 

Then they shared a long, loving kiss.  

When they told Hera, Zeb, Chopper, and Jacen, there was a whop of joy! The younger members of the Ghost Crew were growing up, and Ursa (who knew along with Alrich and Ahsoka) couldn't hold back tears. She remembered how excited she was when Alrich proposed to her. 

But back to Ezra and Sabine, this was the best day of their lives.

Until the next best thing happened to them.

I'm crying..........I was so excited to write this down! May the Force be with you!! 

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