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 Sabine was in shock. Hera, Hera out of all people gave up. She was angry, but she was able to hear footsteps running toward her. She didn't stop. "Sabine," Zeb's voice spoke to her gently. Sabine ignored him, and kept going. She knew that Chopper and Kallus were following Zeb, but still, she moved ahead. "Sabine, listen. Hera doesn't want to lose anyone whom she cares about. She's just trying to protect you," Zeb continued. "I don't need protecting. I can take care of myself, thank you very much," she replied tartly. She wondered why Kallus came. She understood why Zeb and Chopp did, but...something felt odd. She didn't let that blind her from what was happening.

"Sabine, I want Ezra back. I believe he's alive, but I have to follow Hera's orders. She has been angry before, yes, but you haven't seen her at her worst." When he said that, Zeb had gotten in front of Sabine, making her stop. Sabine glared at him and said, "You haven't seen this Mandalorian woman at her worst, and trust me. You don't want to." Zeb looked upset for a moment, then he gave Kallus a gesture signaling something. "I wish it hadn't come to this. I'm sorry, Sabine." As Sabine turned, she heard a shot. Time slowed. She saw a stun bullet shot by Kallus heading straight toward her. She raised her hand, and stopped it using the Force. Time went back to normal. Zeb, Kallus, and even Chopper looked surprised. "So this was your plan all along?" She asked Zeb, furiously. "To stun me and keep me on this ship?" "Sabine, I'm only following-" "Orders. Enough with the orders! You can't order me from doing what I want!"

"What do you want?"

"Ezra!" As soon as she said those words, she Force-pushed the stun bullet at Kallus and it hit him. She blocked Chopper from hitting her, and knocked him out of the battle. Zeb was the last man standing. Sabine and Zeb started to circle each other, both holding a gun pointed at the other.

"Sabine, do we have to do this?" He asked sadly.

"You started it and you tried to stop me. So yes."

"Please don't make me do this Sabine."

"You don't have too. Let me go, and all will be well."

"I made a vow that I would never go against Hera again, unless it was extremely important."

"This is important! Ezra is important!"

"Sabine. I lost to many people. I can't let you go."

"Then I'm sorry I have to do this."

Sabine shot her gun. She had put it on stun, so it wouldn't hurt him, and then walked off the Ghost to the ship she and Ahsoka would look for Ezra. Soon, the window showed hyperspace.

Hera walked into the airlock where Sabine's ship had docked. She thought that Zeb, Kallus, and Chopper were able to complete their mission and had Sabine unconscious. What greeted her was a shock. She screamed louder than she ever had in her life. Lying on the floor, were Zeb and Kallus, both knocked out. Chopper tried to get up, but couldn't. She ran to Zeb and shook him. It woke him up. "Zeb, where is Sabine?! What happened?!?!"

"The Sabine we know is gone, Hera. In her place stands a broken woman who wants her friend back. Stands a woman who wants revenge. Hera, we'll never see our Sabine until Ezra is back."

MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!! I'M SO EVIL! Ok. So what did you guys think? Too dark? I'm writing another fanfic where the Ghost Crew supports Sabine. I just wanted to do this little writing. The book where Hera supports Sabine in her search is called "Sabine: Flying Through The Stars". Go and check it out! I haven't wrote it yet, but I plan for it to be out soon!

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