Family Psychologists

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My hands anxiously move up and down my thighs as I look at the floor. "Clary?" She ask. I couldn't stop thinking of Jason...he hasn't texted or called back...Why won't he talk to me? What did I do wrong?

"Clary?" The social worker grabs onto my arm. I stop and look up at her, snapping me away from my thoughts. "Could you tell me about your relationship with your mother?" Mary...thats the social workers name. She was hired by my dad, she wasn't sent from the government, which means she doesn't have to file a report if nothing is seriously wrong. But if she thinks there is, she still has the power to bring the court into it.

"She lied to me....about her past life...She's so busy all the time too....that doesn't bother me as much....but it adds into it I guess..." Mary nods and looks at her file. Mary had black hair and golden brown skin. Her eyes were loving and innocent, obviously not that innocent if she's doing this under the table....

"What about your brother? what happened after he died?" She asks.

"He died...and a month later he got a divorce from my mother...and a year after that he married Megan....who was two years older then me..." Mary readjusts in her seat.

"And...Megan also died...correct?" she asks. I nod and sigh as I slump in my chair. "And you got kidnapped...three different times? in the past year?" I nod my head again. "And you said you've never been in therapy?" she asks. I shake my head again. She sighs and closes her file book. She gets up and opens the door of my fathers office that lead into the living room. "You can come in," Mary says. My mother and my father come into the room. "You are both taking care of her....the only fault you've made was not alerting the police about the third kidnapping....I just don't think its necessary to get the court involved....what you need is a good family psychologist." Mary writes something down on a sticky note and gives it to my father. "Thats the best family psychologist in Manhattan....she's pricey, but i'm sure you can afford it mr. Morgenstern."


Jason's. phone rings for the three billionth time today.

Clary is calling...

I roll my eyes and look at him. "Will you just....pick up the damn phone?" I ask Jason. Jason frowns as he sips his chocolate milk. We were hanging out at Lin's place for the first time since Clary was here. It was the last time I've seen her. I missed Clary...Jason was angry at her....and I didn't want to betray Jason right now. I was also scared of talking to Clary...I feel like I hurt her the last time we talked...and I don't want to upset her more.

"No...I'm not picking up...I'm fucking mad at her right now." Jason grumbled. Andrew rolled his eyes.

"What she did wasn't even THAT bad." Andrew chimes in.

"That bad?!" Jason snaps at him. "Fuck yeah it was THAT bad!" Jason yells. Andrew rolls his eyes as he sips his milk.

"you're just being a baby," He taunts. It's really not the time to be taunting Jason, but of course Andrew wouldn't understand that.

"Woah, woah, woah, what happened with Clary?" Lin asks, concerned. He seemed a little....too concerned.

"UGHHHHHHH not again...he's been talking about this constantly NON fucking STOP" Andrew howls. Jason narrows his eyes at Andrew and looks back at Lin.

"She used me..She used me as a weapon against my bio mom, the first time I met's just... so selfish of her...she made it all about her when it should have been about me....I mean...I didn't even want to meet her in the first to be used as a just wasn't cool and i'm not talking to her until I cool down about it because if I do, I'll probably yell at her and she just seems really fragile right now," Jason explains.

"What do you mean she's fragile?" Andrew asks confused. Jason turns to look at him.

"Didn't I tell you? Clary's dad and my bio moms relationship completely fell apart because of her using me as a friggin' weapon," Jason says. Andrews facial expression stayed the same. But something felt off.

" you guys wanna play Mario Kart or something?" Lin suggests.

"Sure, I'm in," Jason says as he grabs a controller. Andrew gets up and throws his chocolate milk in the trash.

"Nah, I'm good, ima head out though...I got something to do," Andrew says. He gets up and leaves, closing the door behind him. Jason and Lin didn't seem to notice Andrew acting differently as they click play and start the race. I frown and get up. I mumble an excuse as to why I have to leave. I get on my motorcycle and quickly start it as I see Andrew turn right on the intersection. I have to catch up to him and see what the hell he's going to do. I managed to catch up to Andrew, and he didn't seem to notice me, which was weird. Usually Andrew Notices everything. He analyzes people so well. Kind of like how Grayson used to Analyze everything and everyone. I frown at the thought of him...he was such a backstabber....always out for himself. Andrew suddenly goes off the road and crashes into some bushes. I pul over, concerned for him. I was about to call out for him until I realized he was perfectly fine. He put on a ski mask and flipped his hoodie on. I realized we were in one of the very rich neighborhoods in Manhattan. I flip on my hoodie, realizing the cameras around the lot Andrew seemed to be breaking into. He finds a hole under the fence big enough to fit into. I follow after him. Was he stealing? On his own? We stopped breaking into houses years ago. Most of the houses we broke into were because of the Jinx's orders. Andrew looks into many of the windows, probably looking for the best way to break in. Finally he stops and stares at one of the windows. I couldn't see what he was looking at because I had to keep my distance from him. He began to climb up the house. The upstairs? thats probably the least efficient way to break in? what is he doing? I manage to get closer Andrew. He takes off his ski mask and knocks on the window. What the fuck is he doing?

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