The Escape

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Hey guys! So I'm writing this right now and I had an idea, but I wasn't sure where to put it in the story without making it seem rushed/ last minute (because it is lol) so I decided to put it in my other book "
"You love me?" I ask Rebel.
"Yes, Clary.....It's not like I wanted to!" Rebel says. I don't believe him....he's just trying to distract me... I put my hand on the door knob, ready to leave. "Clary Please! Let me explain," Rebel begs. ", this wasn't.....this wasn't supposed to happen...not like this," Rebel explains. "and I'm not talking about him" he says as he nods his head towards the door Jace was behind. "I mean....he wasn't supposed to come here either...I just....I'm sorry....the Jinx....they kidnapped you to sell you on the black market....but....but you're Jocelyn's daughter..." Jocelyn's daughter? I've been called Valentine's daughter all my's....weird for him to know my mother... " didn't sell you...and I....I had to....I'm sorry Clary...I shouldn't have kept you locked away after we escaped the Jinx...I was just....afraid," Rebel stutters.
"Rebel," I tell him as I hold his hands. "I can't do this right now....I just....I can't..." Rebel's eyes fall. It was horrible to see him like that. It was as if I had broken a part of him. I mean, he did keep me company, and I definitely got off easy, it could have been a lot worse if he wasn't there. I let go of his hands and open the door. Jace was rubbing his shoulder in pain. "Let's go?" I ask Jace. Jace looks at me in awe. I walk down the stairs and Jace follows. I walk out of the wooden carved door. It was a beautiful neighborhood. The snow really added to the Christmas-y factor of the cabins. Jace gets on the motorcycle, I get on behind him and hug his waist. Jace starts the engine and we take off.


It was about two hours of being on Jace's motorcycle before we finally arrived at my moms house. I get off the motorcycle and take my helmet off. I turn around to see Jace sitting on his propped up bike. His blonde hair was messy. "Thank you..." I tell him with a small smile. "For...saving me..." Jace Just stares at me.
" problem," He pushes his hair back, getting it out of his eyes.
"You coming?" I ask as I point to my front door. Jace doesn't move. "Ok," I mumble. I walk up to my front door. I was about to ring the door bell. Jace suddenly grabbed my left hand. I look up at him his golden eyes stared deeply into mine. I finally felt safe. I haven't felt safe in 2-3 weeks. I finally push the glowing button. I hear the faint sound of the doorbell ring inside. I look at the dark wooden door. It opens. My mother quickly throws herself at me. She was sobbing into my shoulder. My father looked at me wide eyed. My mother wouldn't let me go.

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