Art Supplies

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It's been
Over a year lol

      "You're sure you can get the poster board done on time?" Mary Kate asked. I couldn't help but let out a sigh as I continued to fill in my bubble letters. I sit up and hold up the poster board.

      "I literally just have to print the information, glue it on and make it look pretty" I place the poster back onto my bedroom floor and continue filling in the letters. It was almost therapeutic. "It's an even trade, you research and type the information...I just make it presentable" I could feel the grin that spread across my face as Mary Kate scoffed.

      "At least you actually make it look good. Even though you don't help at all with the project, you really compensate with your art, you might actually be the best person to be paired up with for projects like these." The door swings open and my mother steps in. She looked down upon me, like an an Angel who had been disturbed by none sense.

      "Look, I promise it'll be done by Monday, but I gotta go" I pick up my phone and hang up on Mary Kate as she uttered her goodbye. "What's up?" I ask as I look up at my mom.

      "Your dad isn't very happy that you're here" my mom says coldly.

       "Ok, well I needed my art supplies and he doesn't have the ones I needed." I mumble as I start to pack up the expensive supplies my mother had bought for my birthday three years ago. Of course my dad could afford it, but he didn't like being reminded of my mother, so it was just easier for him to avoid all art supplies that weren't Crayola all together.

      "Clarissa, we haven't talked about what you did with Jason" there was a strain in her voice that highlighted just how angry my mother was. "I talked to your father today, and I think it's time you learn the truth, and therefore learn just how much you screwed your family over with your little stunt" my stunt? She's the one that got pregnant and didn't say anything to anyone. "Your father and I were having meetings. Most of them would be about you, but slowly those meetings started turning into dates, and eventually we started seeing each other again. We didn't tell you because we didn't want to get back together, get our family back together just to break up. We were so close to finally repairing our relationship. We could have finally moved all of us into one household so that we could be safer, so that you could be safer" my mother began to ramble on, rage overtaking her as she paced my room. "I just don't understand why you couldn't have come to me first, in private. I don't understand where I went wrong in teaching you basic communication skills!" Her voice got louder until they turned into screams.

"Both of you were lying to me, about everything. That's why I confronted both of you at the same time." She cut me off.

     "And you didn't even stop to think about how this could affect Jason? How it has affected him?" She spat.

      "Oh please! You don't even care about Jason, I care more about him than you ever will. I'm the one dealing with the repercussions of my actions not you"

      "You're right, you are. I don't ever want to hear you cry about how we're not a family anymore. I forbid you to blame it on your brothers death as well. If you want to blame someone, you blame yourself from now on." I rolled my eyes as my mother spun to leave my room.

       "You think I have trouble blaming myself for things? At least I'm not a liar like you." She gave out an exasperated breath and continued to strut  away from me. "You can play the victim all you want, but you still haven't told me the whole story, and that continuously puts me in danger" I yell at her as she continues to walk away from me. That made her stop and turn to me. Her face was still, as though someone had carved her face into an alerted expression.

         "I didn't lie Clarissa, I never did, parents are allowed to have a past they don't talk to their children about. I've told you everything there is to know." She declares.

        "Oh yeah?" I challenge. "Who's Anna?" Her face fell, even though her expression did not change in the slightest.

        "I have no idea who you're talking about" she lies.

        "Fine," I take my art supplies off the ground and start packing them. "If you want to keep lying, keep lying, I'm just going to go to dads" I grumble. I grab my laptop and  prepare to print the information I need for my project.

        "Good luck finding someone to take you. I'm too furious to drive with you right now." My mother grabs her coat and leaves the house. I sigh as I close my laptop and dump it into my bad. I go up to the bringer and wait for the printer to spew out the pages I need.


   "Then ask her." Blade says. I sigh and look away from him. "You don't even have to ask her....Just look in her memory box. It's under the floorboards under her bed."

I grab the printed papers off the tray and go up the stairs. I open my mothers room and take on her familiar scent. She loves Eucalyptus and Tea Tree, and she puts it on everything and anything she has, and therefore blends in with her natural scent. Her bedroom wasn't anything out of the ordinary. It had pictures of us, some recent, some old. I kneel down on her bed and lift up the skirt of her bed. I search for a loose floor board, although I'm sure I won't find one, I don't remember seeing one when I helped my mom put her mattress on her bed when we moved into the house. I see a slightly elevated plank smack in the middle of the bed. I let out a groan as I realize I'm gonna have to move her heavy ass bed.

I lean on her bed and try to push the bed with my body weight. It screeched as the legs dragged through the wood. I look back under the bed and tuck the skirt into the side of the bed so it would quit bothering me as I snooped. I carefully lift the plank and see a big wooden box with the Morgenstern logo. It was almost impossible to take out because of how large it was. It was covered in dust. I open the box and see a variety of trinkets. She had a stash of at least 30 grand in the box, and with it some of the rarest jewelry my mother has ever worn, it's probably worth more than everything she owns. Some Faberge eggs, old stuffed animals, and three envelopes.

I carefully open the first one and see a stack of old pictures. Most of them had my mom in them. She was with a lot of different people in each picture. Half of the pictures were with my dad, the other half were of her alone. She looked young, probably a little older than me. I open the second envelope and see a letter with a Polaroid inside. It was a picture of my mom and a woman... who after closer inspection was definitely featured in the 50 photos that were in the first envelope. My mom and her were in very scandalous clothing, posing provocatively with each other.


Hey Jocelyn!

Hope you're having the best time in Maui with Val! Cant wait for you to come back to the club, we super miss you! I think Liam is going to propose soon! And if he doesn't, I might just do it. He has been so romantic lately Jocie, you don't even know, anyways, I was digging through some old stuff and found this pic of us from a couple years back.

Hope you're doing fantastic!

Your Bestie for ever,



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