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It says Yin Fen part two....it's probably incorrect grammar but...oh well 🤷‍♀️

Ps i dedicate this to NataliaLovesTea
Sorry for the early update daughter
"So...what happened to her arms?" I ask Jace.
"Yin Fen is made with ingredients made in China, that's why it's called Yin Fen, which in English is translated to Silver powder. Lilith just cooks it, and makes it into powder. One of the shipments came in, and Lilith just happened to be there. The police had gotten an anonymous tip about Lilith making Yin Fen in her factory. They raided the factory, the factory workers grew into a panic and tried to get out of the factory as fast as possible without getting caught by the police. They created a human stampede and threw Lilith into one of the burning Yin Fen pots. The hospital were able to fix all the damage, except her arms and some of her chest and body," I couldn't even imagine how painful that must've been. I look down at my arms and see all my cuts gone. I look up at Jace and lift his shirt up.
"Hey!" Jace says in slight shock. "If you want me to take off my shirt you just have to ask," Jace says with a chuckle at the end.
"Your scar....it's gone," I say as I look up. Jace looks down and see's his clear skin.
"How did you know I had a scar there?" Jace asks. I pull his shirt down.
"She lifted it up and burned you." I explain. "But...that's impossible," I tell him.
"Yin Fen is a drug, it does have medical aspects about it, but it's so addictive it's illegal. The pots of Yin Fen were really concentrated, so the fact that Lilith now has burning healing hands makes sense," Jace says with a shrug. I sigh and lean my head against the wall behind me. I take a good look at the room. It really did look like one of those watch rooms in the insane asylums. Except it was a red velvet color. The whole room was stuffed, the floor was comfortable enough to sleep in. Out of the corner of my eye I see something shine.

     I smile as I softly tap on the button of my landline. The numbers were so familiar, I didn't even have to look at the phone. The phone rings a few times, when finally I hear Valentine's voice. "Hello?" He asks. Stress coated his voice. As always.
       "Valentine," I say seductively. Seduction is what I'm known for. Being gentle and feminine is how you get all your enemies to underestimate you. "You just won't believe what my boys caught this morning, it was quite a catch really," I say.
       "I really couldn't care less Lilith, If you want I can hook you up with more clients later, I just can't right now," Valentine says. I giggle.
       "Oh Val, I doubt you would want this one to end up in the hands of your...clients" I giggle.

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