22. Let's Check In On The Other Side

693 28 154

TW: some blood and a little implied abuse, proceed with caution

Scar reached out with his mind and his hands, feeling for the power of the ground beneath him. He immersed himself in the ground and pulled with his mind, commanding the rocks to move up while doing the same gesture with his hand. Satisfaction filled Scar as he saw a piece of the ground rising, creating a hole in the ground.

Scar felt the dirt's power slowly slip from his mind, and quickly reached out again, wrapping the ball of power with a thick layer of... well, his mind. Scar then turned and flung the chunk of dirt at a nearby target. The dirt exploded on impact into a pile of dust.

"Wow." A voice sounded behind him. Scar turned to see Impulse. "You've gotten the hang of that." Impulse said, yawning.

"Thanks." Scar replied. It was true, his earth skills had improved a lot since the war started. Dream had, er, convinced him to practice his powers, because he thought they would be beneficial to the war. Scar didn't see it that way, but Dream was the war expert. "How's the redstone?" He asked Impulse.

He rubbed his eyes. "Almost done." Impulse said. "We worked the whole night. Should be ready for tomorrow." He yawned again.

"You should go and sleep." Scar said. "Or you won't have the energy to attack tomorrow."

"Dream said - ahhhhhh-hhhhhhhaaaaaa-" Impulse yawned again. "Sorry. I'm exhausted. Dream said I'm not in the attack tomorrow." He muttered.

"You should get some sleep anyways." Scar said. "How do you know you're not in the attack?"

"He's calling a meeting." Impulse replied. Ding, ding, ding. "Yep, there's the bell. Well, we better go, shan't we?"

Shan't? What's 'shan't'? Scar pondered to himself as he and Impulse walked to the meeting room.

The Eaglestar's base was a giant mountain. Neither Impulse or Tango were over-the-top builders, as they stuck more to redstone, and Scar was mostly terraforming, so he built a giant mountain. Don't let the look deceive you though, the structure is actually filled with a lot of redstone machines, and the interior is actually very modern looking.

Tango was already at the rectangle table, yawning and rubbing his eyes like Impulse, while Dream and Bad stood to the side, discussing something. Techno stood, a dark shadow looming over his chair. Bdubs, bright-eyed and smiling like he always is, hopped into the room.

"Ok, let's begin." Dream spoke. Scar blinked in surprise. Sapnap wasn't here yet. "As you all know, we will attack the Child's Entourage tomorrow." He said. "Impulse, Tango, Bdubs, you will not be part of the fight. Instead, you will stay here and monitor everything. Scar, how are those earth powers?" Dream turned to ask him.

Scar sighed. "It's ok." He said. "I can pick up more dirt now, but it's not powerful enough. I'll need a few more days to practice if you want me to join."

Dream paused. Scar couldn't tell what the blond was doing, as his face was covered, but Dream and Techno shared a look. Techno nodded, and Dream did the same in return. "We'll push the fight back a few days then." Dream declared.

"Wait-no-you shouldn't push the fight back just for me!" Scar protested. He hated that he was dragging the team down. "I can still fight." Scar insisted.

"It's ok." Dream said. "There's been a development."

Scar wondered what Dream meant, and he opened his mouth to protest before another figure appeared from the doorway. "Sapnap?" Dream called.

"Yeah, it's me." The brown-haired man replied.

"Did you get...?" Techno asked.

"Yep. He gave him to me." Sapnap said, and Scar's eyes widened with surprise as he saw a young boy, his head stained with blood and his hands in shackles, dragged into the room after Sapnap.

"That's Tubbo!" Bdubs gasped, and Tubbo's head raised at his name. Scar had to stifle a gasp of his own as he saw the boy's face bloody and bruised.

Tubbo's eyes were dull with pain and weariness, and his cheek was purple with a bruise. Blood seeped from a cut on his forehead, and his brown hair was stained with the red liquid as well. His wrists had marks from where shackles were. Tubbo stumbled with every second step, and Scar couldn't help but feel pity for the boy.

"What happened to him?" Tango whispered. Scar looked at the redstoner, his own shock mirrored in Tango's red eyes.

Sapnap shrugged. "He didn't want to cooperate with us." He said.

"So you... beat him up?" Impulse asked. Scar could hear the shock in his voice.

Sapnap shrugged again. "As I said, he didn't want to cooperate."

Scar caught contempt and something like fear on Impulse's face before it cleared, leaving no traces of emotion behind, and Scar worked to control his own emotions.

He really didn't know what to feel right now. It was horrifying seeing Tubbo in the state he was in, and Scar finally understood the power that Dream possessed. He was glad that Dream was on his side, but at the same time, terrified for his hermit friends on the other side. They had never been in a war as intense as this. All past fights they ever had were just fun and games, but this was something serious. And Tubbo... the poor boy. Scar thought. He's too young to be thrown into something like this.

Scar turned his attention back to Dream. He would think about his emotions later. Right now, he only had to keep them under control. "So, our spy on the other side has brought us Tubbo."

"Why exactly do we need Tubbo?" Scar asked.

"As a bargaining chip." Dream said. "We needed something against Tommy, and now we do. We have Tubbo, Tommy's best friend."

"Uh, I'm right here." Tubbo said, but when Sapnap shot him a look, he quickly shut up.

"We'll use him as a bargaining chip." Dream said. "If the Child's Entourage does not retreat, I will kill Tubbo."

Scar's breath hitched in his throat. What-what-I-what?! His thoughts were wild. Kill... Tubbo? "Dream, he's just a kid!" Scar quickly protested. "He-"

"He is part of this war." Dream said, voice so cold it sent chills down Scar's back. He stared at Dream, but his black dots for eyes stared back, emotionless.

"You're... really gonna kill Tubbo?" Bdubs asked quietly.

Dream smiled. "Oh, only if Tommy doesn't agree to my terms."

"And... what are those terms?" Bdubs asked.

"Oh, you'll see." Dream said. "Take him to the cellar." He ordered. Bad and Sapnap took Tubbo's chains and led him away. Techno moved away to practice his sword or something, and the two redstoners went to bed, tired. Bdubs slipped off, leaving Scar and Dream alone in the room.

"It's all for good, Scar." Dream said. "It's all for good."

As the fighter walked away, Scar only had one line circling in his head. If the Child's Entourage does not retreat, I will kill Tubbo.

word count: 1134

A/N: shan't is a combo of shall and should, btw (future echo is not raging that it actually means shall not, I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS A WORD)

oh and now you know the spy is male... so you know... false is clear


so yeah there's finals but i'll keep updating don't worry :)

i've got a math exam today :p
wish me luck
hope i ace it

hope y'all have a good weekend! and if you're doing your finals, good luck to you as well!

'edited' on Jan 23rd 2022

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