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River had a way of pushing people away, it wasn't new to her. She didn't mean too, it's just sometimes she thinks she's feeling more than she should. It had been two days since she'd spoken to the pogues, or anyone for that matter. She wasn't upset, but the girl knew what was coming. Her mind filled with the thoughts she tried to ignore.

How she was the new girl..
How they whisper when it's about something before her...
How they know hardly anything about her.

Her phone filled will messages and calls from her friends, because let's be honest they were together everyday. It was weird when one didn't show up.
She tried to tell herself it was just a stupid episode, like the many times before but this felt different.
Why did she let them into her life? Its just more people to hurt her..

for her to hurt.
Her mind yelled.

River had spent the next week in bed, getting up when Necessary for food and to use the bathroom but that was about it. She sometimes missed meals, not feeling enough to get up. Her mom had come home last night, but left early in the morning, not even noticing her daughter's presence.

Meanwhile, jj was throwing a fit.

"Guys i've never seen her like this, i climbed to her window the other day to check if she was alive, and she was just laying in her bed, no books, no homework, nothing." The boy crashed down on John   b's couch.
"Yeah she hasn't answered my calls either, maybe we should all go see her?" Kie spoke next.
"Guys we have more important things to worry about right now." John b sighed, For the past week the group had been trying to find a way to avoid DCS for the boy, along with the cross being in ward's possession, they weren't paying attention so much that it took this long to notice something wrong with their newest recruit.
"JB it's been almost two weeks, this isn't her."
Suddenly john b slammed his hand on the table walking toward the blonde.

"What jj? worried about your girlfriend?" He snapped. "Look i care about river i do, but this is more important." he continued before walking back to the table, ignoring how jj grabbed his bag and walked of the château. Kiara almost followed, worry taking over, but decided against it, returning to helping jb.

River's phone dinged a few times beside her, before she picked it up. There were yesterday's texts from her friends, one from her mom and two recent ones from jj.

i'm coming over.

She sighed, rolling over on her bed, and feeling the single tear run from her eye and over her nose, and for a moment she was surprised, and waiting for more to fall, but they never came.

jj rushed through her front door and up the old stairs, only to see river rolled into a ball under her covers staring blankly at nothing. "R-riv?" The girl's eyes met his for only a second before returning to nothingness. After what seemed like forever, jj gave up and called pope.

"Bro she won't talk to me, get up, i mean she looks like she hasn't eaten in days, i don't know what the fuck to do!" His hands weaved through his blonde locks. "I mean it could be serious, i don't know, i mean we don't know much about her life to be honest. Look I got to go, Kie's mom is here."

The line went dead and jj wanted to punch something. Why didn't anyone else care? Was he overreacting? He wanted to blame himself, maybe he went to far the other night.

"River I'll be back okay?" As he expected she didn't respond, so the boy wasted no time leaving and heading somewhere he could get some answers.

"You need my help? How cute." Rafe walked past jj following his group.

"Rafe it's about River." He hated how Rafe's face softened slightly. "She.. she won't get out of bed or eat and i-"

"She's having an episode." jj had never heard him speak like this, softly. He pulled the blonde away from the group of people before continuing. "She's bipolar. I don't know how bad this one is but they can get really....complicated. As much as I fucking hate you, I'll tell you this. Make sure the girl takes her meds otherwise she's fucking annoying."

jj immediately removed rafes arm from around his neck and started walking away. "Fuck you."
"Why didn't she tell you? Hm jj?" Maybe she's learned that all you guys are, are dirty pogues."

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