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J H O's

I woke up coz It feels like its too hot and something was heavy. I don't even turn off the AC.

As I opened my eyes I already found the answer its Beatriz hugging me tighter than the usual.

I slowly push her and I'm glad I didn't wake her up coz its too early. I found myself checking her facial features.

There's this familiar feeling I have when Bea is around and its making me worry and terrified.

I hate this feeling, only one person can make my heart beat fast or skip. How her touch makes me calm and safe its only my giant Isabel.

Beatriz is not my Isabel she can't be.

I shrugged the thought and did my morning rituals. I'm in the mood to make some pancakes and french toast.

I prepare everything that I need and started to cook before Bea will wake up.

" hey all I thought you didn't know how to cook? " a voice from behind so I turned around

" I can, it depends on my mood. Goodmorning to you Beatriz " I greeted her and gave a peck on her cheek she froze I giggled and left her

" a..alright, you must be in the mood then. " she replied

" yeah I woke up with the right side of the bed and maybe thanks to you. " I replied she just giggled

" good then, so I can tour you later in the company? " she asked I creased my forehead

" sure but in one condition " I replied she sighed

" why does it feels like you don't settle for less Jho, you always want something in return. " she asked I smirked

" I guess it runs in the blood Beatriz besides I am John Maraguinot's only child. In business you can't settle for less coz in the end you'll ending up being a loser. I can't just give without taking something Beatriz bear that in mind. If the wedding will push through you can have my body coz we'll both need that and I know you'll be needing that as much as I am but you can't never have my heart. " I seriously replied she just gave me a nod and sip her coffee

" If you say so, are you done? " she asked I nodded she help me to prepare the table

" wow smells really great Jho " she commented

" Go eat, it feels you can't wait any longer to dig in " I teased her she just chuckled

" yeah right, i'm starving Jho. Thank you " she replied I just nodded she took my plate and gave me a food before she starts to eat

" Thanks " I replied she just smiled after that we eat quietly

After our simple breakfast, we prepare ourselves to work or should I say Beatriz to work hehe

" Bea kelan tayo pupuntang mall? " I asked as I settled myself in my seat

" mall? Jho thats too dangerous kita mo yung nangyari noon the last time kung hindi ako dumating in time " she asked I sighed

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