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B E A's

I took a deep breathe before I open my car's door and walks towards their grand gate.

" Boss Bea kayo ho pala, pasok po " the guard said smiling I gently nodded and proceeded to their main door and gave a soft knocks

I was welcomed by her mother that gave me a warm hug.

" Come inside dear, you look exhausted  " she said and ushered me to their living room

" John honey, our daughter in law is here " she announced

" Oh hi Beatriz have a sit " his father said

" Hello po, I..I'm here again to ask if Jho contacted you already " they shook their head and sighed

Once a week I visit them just to asked about Jhoana.

Coz I am so worried about her.

" Sorry Bea she never contacted us after she left but don't worry she's an strong independent woman . " his dad replied

" Maybe you knew somewhere that she can stay to clear her mind, please tell me I want to see her, I need to see her. " I begged her mother caressed my hand

" Do you like my daughter Beatriz? Or you are just worried that the wedding won't push through coz Jhoana is obviously wants to call the wedding off " his dad asked seriously

" Y..Yes sir I..I do l..like Jhoana even if its wrong to have feeling for her coz I already have Jana as a girlfriend, I am not worried even if she doesn't like to marry me anymore, I'm more worried that she's not around that I didn't know her whereabouts" I nervously replied he raised his eyebrows

" You like her, and yet you're still in a relationship. You can't do that Bea, you need to choose between the two ladies, its my only child we're talking about here but of course you still need to marry my daughter if you want to save your family business but I am reminding you now don't ever try to play with my daughter's feeling or else I may get involve in your way and you won't like me to be your enemy " he replied I gently nodded

" Sir I'm asking Jana already to let me go, Jho left me and its driving me crazy, I miss everything about her, I miss her at my office and at home. " I replied he just nodded

" You can't love her if you already love someone else, I won't let you hurt my Jhoana. If you truly love her then go and broke up with your girlfriend first, I might gave you an information about my child. " he said and I look at him seriously

" so you know where she is? " I asked him

" I didn't say I know, but It can help maybe just maybe . " he replied I gently nodded and caressed my temple

" Alright sir, ma'am thank you for time. I have to go " I replied they both smiled and his dad tapped my shoulder

" Even before you own her heart, take care Beatriz " he said smiling I smiled

" Even before you own her heart " what is he talking about?

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