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B E A's

I'm drinking my wine when someone entered my unit, I'm hoping that its Jho but of course it wasn't her.

He's obviously pissed off

" Really Beatriz? Drinking at this time when supposed to be you're in your office! I'm so disappointed with you! Like at yourself you're wasted " dad said furiously I sighed and put the wine down

" Dad not now please *hik* n..not now" I replied weakly he sighed

" Is it about Jhoana? What happened with the two of you? What did you do?! She wants to call the wedding off, and this is not a good sign Beatriz " he replied my heart ache for that

She's not interested to the wedding anymore?

I should be happy right? coz I can go back to my normal life and make it up to Jana but f*ck!  I'm hurting and this is weird.

" W...What d..do you mean d..daddey?  " I replied weakly

" Oh my goodness Beatriz, yes John called me Jhoana wants to call the wedding off, and she's not in the country anymore and you didn't know? Goodness Beatriz you're giving me a headache " dad informed I sighed in frustration

Why did she left without saying anything to me? all I thought she just want a space to think but she's not around anymore.

" Dad I need *hik* to find her " I replied she shook his head

" Don't, If you won't settle things first to Jana. Its not good to go to Jhoana at this state Beatriz. She didn't want to marry you coz she's guilty that she's being selfish and she can't hurt you more coz she can see that you love Jana and you're the victim of the situation " dad explained I sighed

So she didn't want to hurt me so she decided to just call the wedding off.

" You must be lucky that John is insisting that you two must get married, so if I were you. I'll end things with Jana and focus on Jhoana if you want to save the company and if you want to marry her coz I can see it in your eyes that you can feel something towards her coz if not you won't be drinking at this time and you won't be frustrated that she left you. " dad said and leave I massage my temple

How can I end things to Jana if she doesn't want to let me go?

This is making me crazy!

J H O's

" All I thought you will stop to paint coz you already found your inspiration? What happened that you're back without saying anything?  " she asked and handed me a glass of lemon juice

" I did find her, but she already find the girl she loves and what hurts me more is the thought that she can't remember me. "  I replied sadly she held my hand and gently caressed it

" But you will marry her, you should be happy even if she can't remember you its the mind that forget boss not the heart " she replied I shook my head

" I already told dad to call the wedding off, I can't be selfish its too much I can't bear to see her hurting because of me. I love her I do but I want her to remember me, and I want her to love me like I love her. " I replied holding my tears.

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