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B E A's

This is not good if Jhoana and Jana keeps crossing their way, I don't know what to do to the both of them.

Parehas ayaw magpatalo, at doon lalong sumasakit ang ulo ko.

I knew the great Jhoana Maraguinot if you treat her your enemy she will treat you the worst, she didn't want to be provoke.

With Jana she's a short tempered she easily get burst and knowing how Jhoana can be sarcastic is not helping.

I tried to focus in the orientation, so thankful that Jana is far from me atleast Jhoana won't have any reason to drag me out this conference hall.

The orientation went smooth and we finished it ahead of the time now I'm ready to go back to the hotel.

" hey babe " Jana approached me with a smile

Hi, can we talk? " I asked her softly she smiled and nodded

Why am I having second thoughts now? P
I promise this woman that I'll marry her soon but why now? She's my girl right?

" Lets have a walk, sayang naman yung pagpunta natin sa Baguio kung hindi natin susulitin right? " she asked me and held my arm I found myself nodding in agreement

We need to settle things.

We walk to the busy street and settled ourselves in a bench, preparing what we have bought while walking.

" Are we good? " she asked carefully I gently nodded

" yes we are " I replied she smiled and put her hand above mine

" Then we have no problem, but I knew there's something about asking me to have a conversation " she replied I sighed

She knews me too well

" Well you know about the engagement right? " I asked her she sighed and nodded

" Yeah everyone knew it, its all over the news now and you guys are famous even my family is mad but I explained everything and they understand. " she replied and that just added to the guilt I'm feeling

" I..I'm s..sorry boo, I--I really don't know what to do anymore" I replied she shook her head

" Don't be please don't, I don't want you to say sorry its not your fault after all your just a victim of the situation. I don't want you to apologize coz if I let you it feels like I accepted that I'm losing you forever. I'm fighting Beatriz I am, even if this is unfair on my part that you're sleeping with another woman and that should be me you're with. It breaks me with I can endure it, I can just promise me you'll be back after you fix things in the company " she replied sadly I immediately wipe her tears

" Its okay Beatriz don't mind me, there's no other way out than to marry Jhoana its the only way to help your family and your business and I will understand you j..just d..don't love her m..more than you love me *hik* a..and please don't agree to have a baby p..please don't Bea. " she begged I hugged her tight and kissed her hair

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