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J H O's

" hey Jho hija, kumain kana muna " boses ni daddy Elmer ang gumising sa akin

" d..dad hindi pa nagising si Beatriz? " tanong ko malungkot syang umiling

" Sadly hija hindi pa, baka pinapatulog sya ng mga gamot nya. Lets just let her rest. " he replied I gently nodded

" okay dad, thank you po dito " sagot ko ngumiti lang sya at tumango dumiretyo naman ako sa bathroom para mag-ayos sa sarili ko

Naabutan ko naman tita Det sa tabi ni Beatriz kaya lumapit naman ako sa kanya para magmano.

" hi po tita goodmorning " bati ko ngumiti naman sya at hinaplos ang pisngi ko

" call me mom, Elmer told me your calling him dad. " she replied I giggled softly and looked at dad he just winked

" yeah m..mom he told me last night. I hope Beatriz will wake up soon mom " I replied she smiled and nodded

" she will hija, go and eat first. Bea won't like it if you skip your meal " Mom reminded I smiled and nodded

I silently eat my breakfast when I heard a soft knocked, mom and I looked at each other.

" Hon Jana's here maybe let us let her talk to Bea " dad replied mom agreed I was about to stand when she told me to stay

" Just stay Ms. Jhoana I think we need to talk too " she said seriously I just nodded

" okay " I simply replied and gave mom and dad a warm smile

" so you're the first one to be informed about my girlfriend's accident? " she asked in a  sarcastic tone I rolled my eyes and smirked

" well yeah you knew perks of being the fiancé " I replied calmly and smile

" Really you love to call yourself a fiancé? you're not even her girlfriend " she replied I just smiled

" haha you're just a girlfriend Ms. Jana I am her future wife, so tell me sino ang mas may karapatan na dapat nandito? besides mommy Det called me she even send their driver to pick me up " I replied her face is turning red obviously mad

" wow Ms. Jho now you're calling her parents mom and dad? You're unbelivable " she replied I smirked

" yeah why not they're my future in laws and they want me to call them that way so? " I replied she looks at Beatriz

She slowly walks towards her and kissed her lips and forehead. I didn't dare to look.

Go home bitch! so that I can wipe my Isabel's face

" hey there babe, your boo's here. Wake up babe. I miss you so much. Promise we'll take a break once you get better. Lets have a vacation  abroad maybe " she said obviously teasing me I rolled my eyes

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