Chapter 5

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Yeah right,,she was damn exposed. Quickly turning away from Finn, into her room.

This shit made a 360 real fast Clarke couldn't blink. Her body still smelling of sex and Lexa....Lexa who she just crushed whatever was going on in her little cute head, Lexa who had fucked her brains out, making her have the most powerful orgasm she's ever had in a long time.

"This is quite a welcome." Finn said as he locked the door, settling on the couch which was almost a love nest.

Returning to face her boyfriend.... Ex boyfriend after being caught doing the deed of deeds.

"Why didn't you call me?" Her tone a little strong and hosy from all the moans she let out. Lexa proved to be experienced in ways that she couldn't even comprehend.

"I wanted to surprise you." Calm as usual but you can hear the shoe dropping in his head. "I missed you, us but clearly you have moved on quickly."

"I didn't move on..."

Didn't she though.

"Clarke you were naked chasing after that woman."

Woman? Well Lexa didn't really look like a teen in her casual clothes. One would think she's 23 or something.. Clarke was relived though because knowing Finn his more pissed than his letting on.

"I don't want to talk about that, " walking to the couch opposite Finn.

"Are we really broken, you don't even care."

"But i do care, i really do...Finn.. just arrived on me making a mistake. I care about you and us..." Clarke moves towards Finn, placing a hand on his thigh.."But we need find that spark we had before."

"Clarke " he looks at Clarke with those brown loving eyes speaking volume and calling her name with love and care. "I love you...i'm in love with you."


The next day, goes by really slow. Lexa showed up. Clarke had thought she wouldn't, only because deep down she runs away from her problems.

Lexa decided to stay behind after class like its becoming a habit now. Though it was only to ask about a math problem in yesterday's homework. 

"Grab a seat and come close." Clarke said. Sweating down her armpits because now her body can sense Lexa's body and the performance is not to be spoken in public.

Lexa sits next to her, accidentally brushing her knee against Clarke's . explaining what she knows and reading the question confusing her beautiful mind.

Everything seemed to be going well until Clarke decided to rip the elephant open. She could be fired if this got out and as much as she loved her old job, going back is not an option.

After last night Clarke can't get Lexa off her mind, she constantly imagines the brunette between her legs, devouring her like a mad curve woman, she just hoped that what ever is going on is pure confusion for missing Finn.

"Lexa i want to clarify what happened last night."

"What clarification, am a teen in a phase and you're the adult with her life figured out."


"Just stop it, "  Her tone sounded harsh and authoritarian.

Once more Clarke watched her number one young lover walk out on her, its starting to become a habit it seems. If only it was easy to admit that maybe there are some feelings here but admitting that would mean putting her all eggs in one basket. 


"You slept with a minor?" Raven yelled!

Of course she had to tell somebody and Raven was the first person she saw after Lexa-drama, it was just logic, otherwise her mind would have exploded and then she'd have made a stupid mistake, making things worse. And no she didn't mention Lexa.

"She's 18."

"Then you got back with Finn?"

"No he agreed to give me space, trying to get back to that place we were once happy at."

"Then you constantly disrespect her age, when she banged you like an adult."


"You had sex with her and called her a kid." Raven gave a look. "I mean you have to see the problem here right?"

Clarke leaned back on the couch downing her wine before grabbing the all bottle. Nothing was going her way, Raven, her dear friend maybe right but now is not the time, each time she saw Lexa, her mouth went in full over drive without consulting her brain.

"I don't know what to say."

"How about you really think about this, because to me this doesn't look like just sex." Raven had her serious face on. "After the school trip get her to talk."

"Thanks, speaking of the trip, did Bellamy agree to go?"

With a huge smile Raven tells her about what she plans to do with Bellamy, lately his been really busy with work.

Bellamy Blake, a tall handsome husky kind of man, with the floppy hair and a messy beard which looks really good, is a managing director of a technical company. 

Looks rough at first glance but sweet in the inside like really deep.

After won't even work because Lexa might be on the trip and if that's the case, Clarke can only hope to act like the adult she is without causing any drama or blindsiding the girl.


The few days before the trip, school move on too fast for Clarke to catch up. Her outfits have become a show case, always wanting to see Lexa's reaction. And it never fails.

Sometimes Lexa would excuse herself from class, all just avoid looking at the blonde by engaging in a conversation with her friends.

Touching herself as never been something she enjoyed doing, lately that wouldn't be the case.

Finally the school trip. They were to spend time in the mountains, which would be really cold with the snow season and shit.

Unfortunately Lexa was in the same bus with Clarke. She didn't notice the blonde, too occupied with Ontari.


Almost giving herself a headache, Clarke subtly watched the two girls giggle and flirt a little with each other.

When everyone fell asleep, leaving her and the driver. Thus taking the time to gaze at Lexa's napping form.

Ontari dropped her head on Lexa's shoulder which was welcomed. If Clarke was sane, she would have recognized her jealousy.

This trip will be exciting....

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