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Clarke helps Madi with her homework, listening to all the stories about her day and so on and so forth. Gaia had dropped off the girl who was just as happy to see her mommy as she was.

"Mommy, this..." she points her little fingers on her drawing of what should be a female but looks nothing like it, only the dress lets you know it's a female. Clarke asks who it is.

"Mama...her Nose...and hair...just like mama Clarke nods in agreement. And high fives her little bunny.

"Sweetie it looks just like her." She picks her up and they head upstairs to get the kid in bed. "But it's time to sleep, tomorrow will go to the park and play in SOIL!" she tickles her till the kid is shouting NO! Yeah that word is here to stay.

Clarke reads her a book and before she knows it, Madi is fast asleep. Gone are the days when she would sleep with no care about anything, now there is a mini her sleeping soundly.

Her phone goes off with a bunch of notifications from Octavia and Raven. She heads out of the room not to wake Madi, her friends must be trying to convince her to go out again.

First she is washed up by pictures after pictures of the two in the club, then voice notes telling to come down and have just one drink. Then a picture of Lexa's friends with a caption, do you think Lexa is here? Asked by Raven. Which is answered by Octavia sending a selfie of herself but with a clear view of the background, and there is no mistaking Lexa talking with Josephine. The caption reads, found her. Clearly they are drunk.

Raven texts her saying the girl is not drinking, however maybe they should stop telling this to Clarke but then Clarke has complained time and time again how she misses the girl and so this might help.

She types back saying that actually they should stop because it would look creepy.

Clarke looks over the picture and smiles to herself. The young woman looks so happy, her smile so intense even from a distance. Her phone vibrates and it was Octavia saying Anya just invited them and that she and Raven are a little too comfortable with each other.

These two will drive her mad one of these days, but it was a good gesture to see Lexa in her element again. It makes her happy knowing that the girl is happy even if it isn't hundred percent.

Her phone goes off and it's Octavia.

"Girl please don't tell me you're drunk calling me." She jokes.

"Not drunk just tipsy. Why are you not here?"

See, drunk...

"O I'm with Madi tonight. Are you outside?"

"Yes, I may need a ride home because I don't feel too good." her voice drops an octave.

"And Raven is...

"I don't know, she is with that girl, Lexa's sister...I'm sure they're sleeping with each other again. Are you coming or not so I could start walking."

Always dramatic.

"No need, just go back inside and I'll be there."

"Sorry I called, I would stay and wait for Raven but I'm seriously not well,"

"I'll get someone there,"

"Not Bellamy! He and Raven are in a good place, I don't want him to see her with you know who. And Lincoln can't come either, they are in the same boat. He will tell him that he saw Raven and shit."

"Fine, get back inside, not alone, find Raven."


Clarke enters the club and it is full, bodies moving left to right. Sweaty and all. She types on her phone for the sixth time, telling Octavia that she is at the bar. Her phone goes off and Octavia replies with a look behind you. She does and finds her standing behind her giving her a scare.

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