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"I decided to go back to teaching." Sipping on her coffee.

"You are a good teacher, I'm sure your new students will be happy to have you." She brushed her hair back holding something back.

"What?" She voiced out, okay maybe she does know the girl a little.

"You just didn't seem like you enjoyed teaching. Plus half the town don't know i'm your girlfriend and you're my baby mama."

"I came to Polis for a fresh start, i hated most of you in that class but with time i adjusted and gave it a real chance." She takes Lexa's hand across the table "And about my girlfriend, i don't care who knows...its not like I'll get arrested or anything like that." Kisses her knuckles before pulling back 

There morning has been productive so far. Lexa quietly showered and joined Clarke downstairs with a pair of shorts and an oversized hoodie.

"In that case, will you go out with me Clarke griffin? No, no, no wait." She skips around the table rushes outside, after a few seconds comes back with a single flower in her hand. "For you"

A goofy smile washes over Clarke's face. 

"Now i should have done this sooner but Clarke will you be my girlfriend?"

"I thought i was already ." she says with a wide smile.

"Don't kill the vibe. ..lets start again, Miss Griffin i want you to be my girlfriend in love and all the other stuff they say "

Her answer is being kissed slowly by those lips she has always dreamed of. Her fingers playing with her baby hair on her neck just like she used to two years ago.

"I would love that" another kiss

Lexa lifts her from the chair. Clarke buries her face in the crock of her neck. She always loved the strength Lexa seemed to posses.

"In that case, we have a date." They kiss some more the outside world forgotten.

"You guys are cute but maybe if you can take all that upstairs i might be able to recover ."

"Josie? " placing Clarke down.

"Morning Blondie?"

"I told you to wait." Anya comes in carrying Madi. Who wiggles to be free and runs to her mummy. "oh its like that kid, kids they just toss you whenever.

"Anya, how lovely of you to show up." She scoffs sarcastically.

"I know." She sits down and sips from Lexa's cup "oh hi Miss Griffin."

"Hey, " she turns to Lexa and motions to go upstairs with Madi who then decides to stay with her mama instead.

"I'll come up shortly."

"You know i didn't expect this, i take it you two made up." Anya says.

"I don't want to keep messing up." She says defeated. Sitting next to Josephine 

"Then why would you go back to drinking?" Josephine adds. "You can't risk falling backwards now, "

"Whatever the reason, I shouldn't have."

"I love it when you talk like this, it shows you've got hope.",Anya proudly tells her sister.

"moving on, the show is ready. Friday will be a blast. Now if I don't change from last nights clothes I will combust from the shame." She gets up and kisses Anya on the cheek.

It may look like nothing but she knows these two and there is no way that was innocent.

"Since when did that happen? And how did you get Madi, Clarke said Abby has her."

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