Chapter 13

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"Clarke!!" Lexa called from the living room. The water turned cold ten minuets ago. The thoughts of an unplanned pregnancy torments her.

"i'm coming." 

Lexa is about to start her life and she is also still getting settled in Polis. A baby? She laughs, what was she thinking, it was just a one time thing...what are the odds?

She steps out and covers the rob over her nakedness. Lexa is becoming a great thing to her and its time to appreciate her presence and her warmth .

"You took your time in there, you sure you are good?"

"I am." She kisses her lips and falls on the couch next to Lexa, who already started eating the pizza.

"I started without you." She picks her pocket and brings out several condoms. "I brought these to your apartment, so we never have that problem of forgetting or running out. Which will be needed because I can't keep my hands to myself."

"Says the girl who rejected me for an entire time. " Clarke said, avoiding the condom issue because Lexa may question her on that night and lying would not help her case. Why does she keep fucking up so much? 

Lexa pulls her on her lap, bringing her back to reality. "Naked? For me?" Her smile is contagious, Clarke can't help pushing herself up on Lexa, feeling the girl hardening.

"You're crazy."

"Crazy sweet for you only." Hands deep under the rob. Lips leach on the blondes neck. Sounds from the TV muffle Clarke's moans.  Slowly, the rob is pulled open, hands come up to hold those breasts. Clarke pulls Lexa to kiss her slowly. Telling her everything she can't voice out through the kiss.

"I missed you, missed the feeling of being inside you and hearing you scream my name. " Lexa says pulling away from the woman. "I'm lucky to have you, tell me you are mine."

"I'm yours." Clarke shyly says, never has she ever said something like that before, she always told herself and Finn that she belongs to no one. But the idea of belonging to only Lexa, excites her so much.

Lexa lets out a groan has Clarke's fingers brush over her sensitive hard on. "Say it louder." Green eyes force the blues to meet and lock.

"Lexa Woods, i am yours, my body is yours, you captivate my heart in so many ways i could cum from looking at you."

Clarke removes Lexa's cock from the pants and slides up and down on the shaft, her thumb cycling on the head. Lexa groans loudly. "I love you" from the look on Lexa's face she didn't say that in her head or maybe Lexa can read her mind.  so she quickly adds, "I know its only being a few weeks but I know I do love you." Lexa is just staring at her while she is holding her dick softly. Taking the silence as a negative sign. "You don't have to say it back if ....." Tears build up in her eyes. She decides to get off her laps but is stopped by Lexa's hands on her hips.

They don't hear the door open or closing till a bag drops to the floor causing a loud bang.

They turn their heads to the sound and find a shocked Abby, hand on her mouth, eyes falling from her socket. 

This situation just went from 0 to 0.55 real quick. No explanation can help them get out of this situation but the truth. Clarke's rob is almost off her shoulders, her breasts picking out and you don't want to look at what she is holding between their bodies.  

"Mom?" Pulling her rob to close it and cover Lexa but Abby has already seen everything.

"What is wrong with you Clarke, she is a minor, your student. "

"Give me a minute will you." Gesturing to the position they are in.

Abby just turns around for Lexa's sake knowing Clarke can just wrap herself up and who cares if she saw her naked? She's her mother after all. "This is stupid, Clarke what is wrong with you, didn't i raise you better." She turns to find Clarke trying to stuff the condoms under the couch. "Condoms?? " Abby walks over and grabs them from Clarke, Lexa is standing calmly behind the couch looking at the scene unfold. "I was hoping I'm right on time, and that you two didn't fuck!" 

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