Chapter Seven = Nightmares And Half-truths

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Content/Trigger Warning: Mentions of Abuse.

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The leather chafed at my wrists, I tug at them knowing it was pointless. Above me Marcus stands leering. I shiver under his gaze knowing the pain to come.

"Look at you, trying so hard to be brave," he grinned.

I refuse to answer, biting my lip to stop it from trembling.

The wall to my left is covered in knifes and whips of all kinds, Marcus walks over to it and carefully selects a blade. I don't look at him. I know if I do I won't be able to calm myself.

"Hmm... no," he murmurs to himself. "I think, I won't use one of these."

I press my forehead against the cold metal of the bench. I know what's coming and it's so much worse than what I thought was coming.

Stone scratches against metal and then the firebox opened.

I tried to stay strong. I tried so hard but the tears started to fall. I watched out the corner of my eye as he made his way back over.

"Brianne? Brianne are you awake?"

The blade in his hand glowed red.

"Brianne? Are you okay?"

Screams erupt from my throat as he dug the tip into my back.

Brianne jolted awake, Oki was kneeling beside her and Katy was sitting up in the chair.

She rubbed her arm and wiped tears away from her face.

"Uhm... I'm- I'm okay," she croaked.

Brianne sniffed and wiped her face again. Oki rubbed her shoulder while Brianne tried to breathe normally.

"Hey?" Katy spoke up. "Was it- was it the same one?"

Brianne shook her head. "No... No it was... it was different. Sorta."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Oki asked.

"No," Brianne replied.

Even she thought it was too fast though. She knew she'd made a mistake.

"I mean... thank you, but, I'm fine," Brianne panted slightly

"Ok... well, try to get some sleep. Ok?"


Brianne lay back down, but she knew she wasn't going to get any sleep tonight. She also knew that Katy would want to talk about it.

Something like journalling about the dreams and what actually happened could help it heal or something like that. Brianne didn't know. It didn't seem to make the dreams any less frequent.

It was a long time before she thought Oki was finally asleep. But she waited in the quiet for a while longer.

Too soon there was movement from the chair.

It was time.

Brianne carefully crawled off the couch, being careful not to tread on Oki or Mark. She waited in the hallway for her sister.

"Do you even have the journal?" Brianne asked.

"No. But that's not what we need to talk about," Katy replied.

"Of course it's not."

"Brianne, it's dangerous. Now that Natali and Oki have seen your back we could be a worse position than ever."

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