11 [Taken]

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[Its a little short chapter]

My body ached and my mind was blank, I don't know how many hours went by but I knew it was long maybe it was the next day or even two; my [H/L] [H/C] was dirty with dust, sweat and blood, my one sparkling [E/C] eyes were a bit dull from the pain I was feeling. My throat felt dry and it hurt when I tried to speak, my stomach also hurt with the lack of eating anything being down wherever I was.

But I'm sure you're asking yourself what happened? And how did I get into this mess? Well, let's go back a few hours or days ago I don't know anymore but let's go back a bit.

[What happened before]

The sounds of the door being opened came to my ears as me and Law still waited outside my old house, Law and I looked seeing Kid coming from the house with a smirk as he held something in his hand and soon gave it to me.

"Everything is on here, I think that'll help with this mess we're all in" Kid said to us when he walked back to his car.

I and Law followed him back to the car, once we were in the car we started heading back to Kid's apartment. It didn't take long until I noticed a car following us which gave me a uneased feeling in my stomach as I glanced in the back mirror of the car, I took Law's hand in mine as I also gave him the evidence as well; he was confused for a moment but I just gave him a warm smile.

That's when it all happened so fast when gunfire was being shot at us having us duck down from the bullets being fired at us out of nowhere.

"Damn it! What the hell?!" Law yelled when he protected me from the bullets/

"Bastard must have known we'd go to that bitch for answers!!" Kid yelled back as he went up to full sped to get away from the car behind us.

More bullets started to fly as we tried to lose them in these dark empty streets, but nothing was shaking them off of us. With turns lefts and rights nothing Kid did to lose them on our trail didn't work; Kid grabbed a hidden gun under his seat and handed it back to Law so he could started shooting them back, Law pointed the gun out one of the broken windows and started firing at the car behind us trying to take out something like a tire or better yet blow up the car.

While the boys were busy trying to lose this car I suddenly saw another one coming up to our left trying to cut us off or ram us whichever is wasn't a good one, I tried warning the boys ready to yell out the warning but it was too late and the car suddenly rammed us making us crash against a lamppost hard.

That was all I remembered after I blacked out from the impact of the other car and the lamppost and then I just woke up here tied up to a chair unknown what was going on or where I was I just prayed that Law was okay and not captured like I was.

[Back To The Now]

The sound of a door opening caught my ears as I glanced up to the only light in the room where the door was. There stood the man that basically ruined half of my life, the reason why I say half is because out of all the shit that was going on in my life I would have to say Law was the best thing that happened to me.

"It was a nice attempted to try and escape me, really cute" Doflomingo spoke to me in a sick cruel tone.

I said nothing as I looked away from him, I just glanced at the ground not going to give him the chance to see me in pain at all. My pride wouldn't allow that hell myself wouldn't allow that at all.

"Aw, playing the tough girl act won't help you once I'm done with you" he spoke to me again as he closed the door behind him and turned on another light making my eyes narrow from the bright light.

That's when I knew where I was, it was down under a building of some kind maybe it was the club; Vivi told me of his hidden smuggling spot but never saw it, this must have been one of them. but what my eyes also laid on were the tools on a table to my left; the tools were filled with dried blood and some rust as well. I heard Doflomingo chuckle darkly when he saw where my [E/C] eyes looked at.

"This will be fun" was all he said to me when all of a sudden things went black for me.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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