2 [Meeting The Club Gang]

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The alarm in the whole fucking building went off at seven in the morning, the big music made me jump out of my skin as I looked around wondering what the hell was going on until a voice over the mic was heard in the building.

"Downstairs everyone two minutes!!" the voice of Baby 5 yelled out for everyone to hear her.

I got up trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes as I found some new clothes on my bed and some bags in my room as well filled with clothes and makeup, I never saw so much in my life. But I was cut out of my thoughts when I heard doors opening and closing as well; I got up and dressed until I left my room making my way downstairs to the main club seeing everyone being here.

"Ah good, here she is our new little lamb meet [Y/N]" Doflomingo spoke to everyone when he saw me coming into the room.

Everyone said hello or just waved at me, I spoke a soft hello as well a bit nervous now that I saw everyone in the normal light.

"So [Y/N] what's your job around here?" a girl with orange hair asked me as she was counting money she pulled out from somewhere.

"I just help around get everyone ready for their routine" I answered her as I sat down on the edge of the stage.

"Well, you'll be fine doing that I'm sure you'll be great" a kind woman with long brown hair spoke to me as she smiled warmly at me.

I smiled a little bit back feeling my nervousness vanish a little bit as I talked to these people.

"My name is Robin, that is Vivi and Nami, the other girls went out for shopping this morning" Robin said to me as she pointed to the orange hair girl and a girl with blue hair having her smile and wave.

"I'm actually surprised you work for the girls and not for our Star" the voice of one of the boys spoke.

I looked at him seeing his amber eyes glance somewhere in boredom, his bright red hair held up by goggles on his head. As he had some scars going down his chest, face and neck on his left side making me notice the robotic left arm as he crossed his arms together.

"Oh stop acting like a punk Kid!" Nami said to him when she glanced over at him.

He just growled at her when he looked at her, he also sat with some other's as well. A man with long blonde hair, he also wore a mask as well so I couldn't see his face. But the other beside had long blue hair as he looked sad actually and had some weird tattoos all over his body and then other man that was pretty tall as well with his black hair and serious look dressed like some goth boy.

"Kid and Killer work on the stage just we do and also fixes things around here and anything that has to do with metal, Heat and Wire work as bodyguards watching the main stairs and the backstage stairs so no on sneaks back there" Vivi explained when she saw my face looking at them.

"Got it but what did you mean working for the star?" I asked when I was wondering who they were talking about.

That's when the sound of steps coming down the stairs brought our eyes to the stairs that headed up to the private V.I.P rooms and to the elevator to the lofts. That's when I saw him, he was tall yes not much muscles like the other's but he sure was built fine even if he wore normal clothes. His black hair was short and spikey as he ran his fingers through it as he wore earring's on each ear and also I could see some tattoos on his chest that showed not to mention the words death on his hands as well.

"Finally show up Trafalgar?" Kid growled at him once he was in the room.

"Shut up, Eustass" he spoke as he sat down in one of the chairs looking tired.

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