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~2 years ago~

Changing course.

I walked through the front door my father standing in front of me. A rather unfortunate situation since he always stayed cooked up in his office. My father was an evil man who only had a soft spot for his family. A common thing to possess in the Riddle line.

The thing I retained from my father was his hair, everything else is my mother's completely. I have Ambers forest-green eyes and her full lips with a button nose. Rather cute and simple.

Amber came into view from behind my father. Her usual happy and calm exterior changed into a defeated stance. I lingered to wait for my parents news. It was written all over there face that they were dier to tell me something.

"We're going back," Amber states once the front door was fully closed and I inside. My world came to a jolt, a pause for realization. How could she rip me from my home just to put me back? I honestly didn't know how to feel; happy because I was going back or mad because I had left in the first place.
"Good," I sigh, swaying away to my room.

"We are not done," my fathers stern tone thundered through out the room. I stoped dead in my tracks twisting back to face them.

"We have an unsettling assignment for you," my mother moves closer, the act of pity displaying quite evident.

"I'm not a—" how do I word this without sounding like a bitch?

"You know a member," I try to be settle without getting under my fathers skin.

"Well since you are well my daughter you have no choice," my father authoritative as always.

He follows my mother in stride his posture prideful. "You'll be going to Hogwarts as a transfer student," he plays with his wand ready to strike me once again. I was so familiar to the pain he prided on causing me.

"What will I be doing?" I keep my composure struggling to not clamp my clammy hands. Hoping he'd choose not to cast the spell once again.

"We will send you an owl once you arrive," he walks away slamming his office door. A relieve glides off my shoulders. Thrilled he didn't cast the Cruciatus curse.

"I put boxes already in your room," Amber comforts me holding my arm leading me away. She knew how I felt about my father. I was scared to be a disgrace to let him down. Yet I was also so terrified of him in general, it was an never ending battle.

A grin grew on my face before plummeting onto my bed. A quick movement of my fingers and I was on my dial phone with Pansy Parkinson.

"Guess who's going back to London!" I shrieked bursting her ear.
"Bloody hell 'vieve my ear," she recoiled.

"That's brilliant to hear though mate," she finally joined in on my excitement. We laughed together and continued talking; mostly jabbering on about all the cool things we could now do together.

"I've got to start packing but I'll see you soon" the conversation between us died and I began packing.

Boxes were being made and filled with all my belongings. My walls slowly began to become blank and bare, something I couldn't stand. My heart mellowed but I knew I wouldn't miss this place as much as I missed London.

Packing continued I threw things away left and right, went down memory lane with a few things but all in all, had most of my room done. 

"I see you finished quickly?" Amber snickered analyzing my room.

"Yes, I got overly excited." I gave her a quick smile before the exhaustion took over,
"I'll leave you alone dear but just know this mission is a big deal!" Immediately Amber was being swarmed into a massive hug from her daughter,
"Of course I understand I can do this" I reassure her.

"Well, just know if you don't succeed neither will your father," Amber began reciting her many talks of her and my fathers.

"He loves you deeply dear but he will disown you if this isn't accomplished," the statement made me all types of worried.

"I can do this! I will do this for you two," I urged for her to believe. I wouldn't let them down. I am Tom Riddles's daughter after all. I have to have some traits of his and that will be power.


I woke up thrilled that today was the day; it's been three days since I had packed and found out the news of moving back home. It was easy to pack the rest of the house since mom and dad can do magic. I'm still 16 and underage to do it outside of school; unless it's practice with my parents.

"Are you ready Genevieve?" My father asks as he looks over the house. My father was a very tall man about 6'6 and had black hair and was super fit. Honestly, he terrified me but it's not like I had a choice on the matter of picking dads.

"Of course father," I intertwined my fingers struggling to keep eye contact with him.

"Well let's go," a sigh from him was let out, and just like that we apparated and we three were gone. Ending up somewhere I've never seen. Amber and Tom didn't show me the place we would be moving to. It was a surprise and an upgrade.

The place was huge and beautiful. An off-white with dark brown detailing and green vines covering parts of the house. All three of us standing in what looks to be the entrance of the place. The doors were wide open ready for us to come inside. The first thing you see are stairs leading straight up to many other doors and areas. It was truly magnificent.

"Well, darling your room is upstairs, go right and then a left and then straight ahead." Tom calmly expressed. For a second I just stared at him trying to take all of this in. How did they go from a small suburban house to well a Manor?

Finally grasping back to real life I headed towards the stairs walking up what felt like a million of them. Continuously repeating the instructions Tom gave me 'right, left, straight'.

"Your things are already in your room doll!" He yelled from the bottom. I waved him off and continued to repeat the three very simple yet so hard instructions. I'd finally reached my room; already knowing how lost I will be around this place.

Solid wood furniture was already set up in the stone room. Green curtains and accents already placed about, the room was simply me. I unpacked and began putting things away till I fell asleep.

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