𝒊𝒗. penelope

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      CASEY FIGURED THE PIT IN HER STOMACH WOULD EVENTUALLY GO AWAY. For now, she was just gonna go home and sleep this dreadful day off. She had already gotten to her apartment complex where her phone had started to ring and she checked the Caller ID to see that it had been JJ.

She immediately answered the call. "Hello?"

"Casey, are you back home?"

"Yeah, I was just about to—"

"Casey," JJ had then said three painful words that she had never wanted to hear in her entire life. "Penelope's been shot."

Casey's heart dropped down to her stomach and prayed for it to be a nightmare. JJ didn't really call her, she didn't just find out that her best friend was shot. This wasn't real. This couldn't be real.


JJ's voice had chirped through the phone but Casey wasn't listening to a single word she was saying. "Which-Which hospital?" She asked.

"The one downtown." JJ told her the one and Casey continued, "Okay, I will be down there in a second flat."

"Casey—" The girl hung up and got back into her car and zoomed down to the hospital. She didn't care if she had to fight through police. One flip of her intern badge and she could get away with anything.

        Casey had immediately arrived at the hospital and spotted JJ and Reid, talking and Hotch standing off to the side. JJ had taken notice of the girl. "Casey."

        "I came as fast as I could, what the hell happened?" She asked. "The police think it was a robbery." Hotch informed. "On Penelope?" Casey wondered, who the hell would want to hurt the sweetest woman in the goddamn world? Casey then knew that that gut feeling she had wasn't because of the case. It was because of this. This was what was wrong. She should've checked up on her.

Rossi had come soon afterwards, along with Emily but Morgan hadn't shown up yet and turns out, he wasn't answering his phone. Reid trying dialing him again but no answer.

      After that, they all decided to wait for the doctor to come out and tell them about Penelope and Casey was left wondering if she was gonna be alright after the surgery. 

       The Willows girl had paced as everyone had seated themselves down in worry or stood up in discomfort. Casey chewed on her thumbnail as she paced around the waiting room. Reid looked up and took a notice to Casey's worrying. She looked like she was more worried than anyone else — even more than JJ, who was just as worried as her.

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