𝒍. medicine

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      CASEY HAD BEEN A LITTLE OFF THE LAST FEW CASES. Her attitude was changing, she was lashing out on families, losing her cool. The team had figured that maybe she was still reeling with the fact that JJ left.

      This morning, she woke up with the worst hangover in the world. She had already been sleeping in her bathroom so all she had to do was sit up and puke in her toilet. Note to self: vodka and tequila do not mix well. Casey thought in her head.

      Her phone had buzzed and Casey saw a message from Garcia saying that the team had been called in for a case. Groaning, Casey picked herself up and decided to take shower, washing the smell off of her so that no one would notice. She took a pill to help with her headache and brushed her teeth multiple times before getting dressed and heading off to work.

       Casey took a sigh before leaving. She headed into her car and began to repeat to herself the same mantra she had been doing for the last month: Today is a new day. You will not go home and drink. You are a new you every single day. Alcohol is not your medicine to get better. You've got this. One step at a time. Casey had been trying to stay sober for the past few days. It was hard to do.

       Casey parked in the lot and looked through her bag and found her mints. She had taken two and popped them into her mouth. It had been all she had ate in a week. That was another thing, she wasn't eating.

She looked at her reflection in the rear view mirror and suddenly had the flashbacks to when Adam smacked her head across the bathroom mirror. To say that she was still dealing with what happened was the biggest understatement of the year.

      Her encounter had gotten a lot worse since Billy Flynn. Alcohol was just making it worse. She knew it — but did she stop? At work, she would. She refused to drink when it came to work. She only drank at home and at home only.

Casey looked into her rearview mirror and blinked and smiled. A fake smile wouldn't show the pain behind her mask. Especially not to her co-workers. With that, she decided to head into work.

She had realized that she had showed up late when everyone had been in the round table room. Garcia was presenting the cases now, since JJ had left. She had completely tried to take over JJ's job but she realized she couldn't balance two things at once. She had somewhat taken over the job now.

Everyone looked at Casey as she walked in and Casey had found a seat and quietly walked in. She cleared her throat, "Sorry I'm late." She apologized. Everyone knew that something was going on with her since she looked like a walking zombie, but no one had said anything.

Cardigan, Criminal Minds¹Where stories live. Discover now