𝒙𝒍𝒗𝒊𝒊. black-out

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IT WASN'T EVERYDAY THAT CASEY WILLOWS RECEIVED A PHONE CALL FROM ERIN STRAUSS. From what Erin was saying on the phone, it seemed urgent to go into the office today. Once Casey entered the office, she met with Reid, Morgan and Emily and they had all gotten the same call. They arrived at the round table, expecting answers from Hotch.

      "Hey, what did Strauss want?" Emily began as she walked in the room. Hotch and JJ turned their heads as everyone walked in. "She needs us in Los Angeles." Hotch informed.

       "Home invasion homicide last night," JJ told. "Officers found Gregory Everson, 56, beaten, with a GSW to the head. His wife, Colleen, was equally beaten and raped repeatedly." Emily looked up. "Repeatedly?"
        "That's what she reported." JJ said. "Wait, she survived this?" Casey asked. "He chose to keep her alive." Hotch stated.
       "An intentional witness." Emily added.

      "Everything but that points to an organized offender, an experienced one." Rossi told. "Was she able to identify him?" Reid questioned. "She said he was white, with mean eyes and repulsive breath." JJ replied. "Rotten inside and out. Did he rape her in front of the husband?" Rossi asked and JJ nodded.

      "One home invasion rarely warrants Strauss personally sending us out." Morgan told. "No, there's more," JJ said. "Ballistics match a double homicide downtown LA, 48 miles away." Hotch continued: "Where three days ago, those two women were raped and killed."

      "But last night was in the suburbs." Emily said. "They're afraid of another night stalker." Morgan told. "Hence the reason why we're being sent out." Casey adds.

       On the jet, the team debriefed and Hotch had grouped Reid, Rossi and Casey together to go to the hospital to chat with Mrs. Everson, to see if she had remembered anything.
A doctor had showed them her room and the first thing the team noticed was that she was asleep, in pain and in restraints.

      "Why is she in restraints?" Reid whispered over to Casey. "She tried to kill herself." Casey whispers back. "Twice." Rossi added. As the three walked in the room, Casey kept her distance as Reid and Rossi approached closer.

      "Mrs. Everson?" Reid asked softly. "We're with the FBI." The woman looked tired and Casey felt for her. She went through something traumatic. "We know you talked to the detectives this morning. But if you're up for a few more questions, it could help." Rossi stated.

       "Why didn't he kill me?" Mrs. Everson sputtered out. Casey looked at the ground. "It-It wasn't about you. This man only thinks about power and control." Reid said. "Leaving you behind gives him that." Rossi added. The woman began to cry.

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