𝒍𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒊. angel

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      CASEY HAD WAKEN UP DUE TO HER PHONE RINGING AND GARCIA TELLING HER THAT THEY HAD A CASE. She had only gotten one hour of sleep. As she boarded the jet, a fit of yawns of escaped each time she took a step.

     "Hi, hi, hi. Sorry for the cryptic late-night text, but I promised I'd fill you in on the way here, and I am a girl who keeps her promises, so," Garcia started on the computer as soon as Casey sat herself down. "This boy was found two hours ago in the middle of nowhere. Technically he was found outside of Crockett, Arizona. My point is, he has clearly been to super hell and escaped some sort of captivity."

      "How do we know he wasn't just dropped off there?" Morgan asks. "Well, he has fresh cuts on the bottom of his feet from the local cactus fields, and that's away from any through roads. And his skin is rubbed raw around his ankles from chains." Garcia explained.

      "He must've had a chance to escape and he took it." Morgan told. "Or the unsub could have had him in transit." Emily says. "My God, you guys, look at his eyes." Casey looks at the pictures in front of her. He looks scared, confused.

       "Yeah, he's jaundiced. Probably hasn't seen daylight in a while." JJ told. "Yeah, and there's a lot of scars here." Morgan pointed out. "And those are the ones we can see." Rossi stated.

       "It's hard to tell for certain, but he's maybe 13." Emily tells. "Are there any missing children in the area, Garcia?" Reid asks. "None until now, but, sir, you may have more information than I do." Garcia tells Hotch.

       He nods, "I do. Earlier tonight another boy was reported missing in Flagstaff." Hotch informed the team. "That's not too far. It can't be a coincidence." Casey told. "Technically it could," Reid spoke. "But Arizona has the lowest abduction rate in the country, so the chances of these cases not being related are ridiculously slim."

        Just like the chances of you ever not talking are ridiculously slim, genius. Casey thought in her head as she rolled her eyes.

       "Yeah. That's why child abduction rapid deployment will meet you on the ground." Garcia told. "The Flagstaff abduction is Billy Henderson, thirteen. His parents say he was coming back from a friend's house after dinner. He never made it." Hotch explained.

      "Okay, they set up roadblocks, but the unsub has a head start." Garcia told. "Right now our best chance of finding Billy Henderson is to figure out what the first victim knows." Morgan said. "Exactly, so, Morgan, you, Willows and JJ go to the hospital, see if you can get through to him." The three nodded at one another and went straight to the hospital when the jet landed.

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