𝒍𝒊𝒊𝒊. 1950s' film

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CASEY SHOWED UP AT THE OFFICE AFTER GETTING CALLED IN FOR A NEW CASE. Only Rossi, Garcia, Hotch, Reid and herself filled up the room. Morgan and Emily were already at the crime scene. Garcia had now been presenting the case to them.

     "Kelly Landis went missing three days ago. Two days ago, the Georgetown 'Monitor' received this. So whoever took this, took Kelly." Garcia told, sitting with the four. "And wanted the world to know it." Hotch said and muttered something over to Garcia who frantically fidgeted.

       "Where was she found?" Casey asked. "Uh, she was found in Georgetown, in an alley, late last night." Garcia told. "I sent Morgan and Prentiss." Hotch informed. "Only one victim?" Rossi asks.

        "It's what he did to her that concerns me." Hotch replied as Garcia handed a file over to Reid and Casey. "Morgan sent these, also late last night." Garcia told. "He and Prentiss are waiting in the district." Hotch said.

       Casey looked over Reid shoulder at the picture as Reid inspected it. "The body seems posed. Left arm raised..." Reid lifted the file folder up more and noticed her face and Casey's eyes widen. "Wow." She muttered. "Oh... that's a first. I see your concern." Reid said.

       "What?" Garcia asked. "A photo wasn't all he took." Rossi said, looking over at the folder as well. "Reid, what?" Garcia asked in curiosity. "Her lips have been removed." Reid stated. "Nice." Casey scrunched her face up. "Oh, my God." Garcia commented.

      "Maybe a trophy." Rossi says. "Maybe he ate them?" Reid asked, causing everyone to immediately pause. Casey sarcastically smirked: "Great, thanks for that image in my head, Reid. Appreciate it." She commented. "Now, I have that memory burned in my mind for the rest of my life." Garcia told. "You asked." Reid stated.

      "The photo he sent to the 'Monitor' and the way her body's posed and the mutilation, it must be a representation of someone." Rossi came to the conclusion. "At least by sending a photo, the media's opened a line of communication." Reid told. "Now that he's got the media's attention, we can expect more of these." Hotch finished.

      The team headed to the local PD and talked with the lead detective as they set up the pictures of the crime scene and the body. "Thirty-three years. Two days left to retire. Not once did I have my name in print. Now it's alongside a 22-year-old girl left butchered in an alley." The detective stated, leaning back, sitting on a table.

      "Who found her?" Hotch asked. "Homeless guy." The detective informed. "We need to compile a list of Kelly's direct relatives, friends, co-workers, boyfriends, everyone." Hotch told. "When we got the photo, I expected a ransom, not a body." The detective said.

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