𝒍𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊. troubled twos

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      ANOTHER NORMAL WORKDAY FOR THE TEAM PER USUAL. Casey had been filling out some paperwork and seemed to be preoccupied with herself, as was some of the team. She bit her pen, wondering what else she could add to the rest of the paperwork from the previous case. She pulled a strand of hair behind her ear and sighed, her hand getting tired from all of the writing she had been doing.

       From a distance, someone was gawking at her. And that person was Reid. Of course, Reid couldn't help but stare at her. Something about her made him stare. He couldn't put his finger on what he was feeling for her now. Usually, he knew what to do but when Casey was around, he just went dumb. His feelings confused him. What was he feeling and what made him feel so dumbfounded about her? He wasn't even focusing on the paperwork in front of him, he was too busy staring at her, his paper was blank.

        Someone else had taken notice of this and Morgan put two and two together and realized Reid was staring at Casey. He nudged Emily and simply pointed at Reid and then Casey. They both smirked as they walked over to his desk. "You know, you make it obvious if you keep staring at her, kid." Morgan comments, making Reid sit up straight and clear his throat and pretend he was focusing on his work.

"I'm not staring." Reid told, looking down at his work.
Emily and Morgan exchange a look. "Mm, yes, you are." Emily chuckled. Before anything could continue, the team watched as Hotch and Garcia walked in a line to the round table room. "We've got another case." Hotch told.

Casey looked up and followed the rest of the team upstairs. Garcia walked the team through the case as they stood around surrounding the table. "You guys are going to good ol' San Fran." Garcia introduced. "Married couple, Henry and Kim Seymour were both found dead in their vehicle. Kim's throat was slit and Henry was stabbed to death. A lot of overkill was found on the wife."

"Slit her throat, stabbed her thirty-seven times and..." Emily paused as Casey decided to finish what she was reading. "She was sexually violated with a knife."
Rossi looks over the case himself and comments: "Sounds pleasant."

"They were last seen exiting the Marriage Counseling Center in San Francisco." Garcia informed. "Wasn't there another couple earlier this week that also counseled there but were also found dead in their vehicle?" Emily asked.
"Yeah, the overkill was also on the wife, there, as well." Rossi told.

"We may have already found this unsub, as well." Hotch grabbed the remote from Garcia and had the team look at the screen once more. "Dr. Edgar Estelle."

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