0: The Loss of Love

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{4th of June, 1986}

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{4th of June, 1986}

A young girl and her mother were apparating back home after a spellbinding birthday. The 5 years olds dad was on a secret mission and unfortunately missed her birthday. As the woman opened the doors to 12 Grimmauld Place she heard a noise coming from the bedroom. Alarmed, she pushed the young girl behind her and proceeded upstairs. Her husband's voice brought a sense of calm however was broken as she heard another voice. With the young girl in one hand, she used the other to slowly open the bedroom door. The women's heart broke while the little girl stood there confused by everything

There in all his glory, was a shirtless Sirius black on top of a naked woman. Not hearing the door open, Sirius continued to break the vows he said on their wedding day and the commitment he made to his daughter. A choked sob left the woman's mouth alerting the two adults. The women scrambled to get dressed while Sirius froze. His daughter and the women he loved watched as he gave in to the temptation of lust and betrayal.

The young girl was very smart for her age, her mother made sure of it. She knew what her father was doing, yet she still couldn't understand. Her heart was getting torn into a million pieces as the feeling of her father, the man she loved with all her heart, didn't want her anymore. He didn't come to spend her birthday together because of a girl.

"Get out," said the mother in an eerie tone that would send a shiver down a death eater's spine. She wasn't a Nott for nothing.

The young woman didn't need to be told twice as she quickly exited the house with nothing but a robe, the door slamming shut behind her. The man however stayed frozen, paralysed with the fear of losing his child.

"What are you waiting for Sirius,". The woman's eyes were narrowing.

"Get out" she repeated "I'll owl the divorce papers"

"Beth, I -"

"You lost all trust I had for you, you have now lost a daughter and a wife." declared his wife, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth, but I don't love you anymore. You're Not the same person I fell in love with" He replied with a stone-cold face, avoiding his daughter's eyes in fear the mask will break

"You couldn't off tell me, Do you love that woman that just ran out of the house?" The women retaliated. All he could do was shake his head. "And for merlin's sake, you have a daughter."She yelled in fury.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth but-" He got cut off by a heartbroken women

"No this isn't up for discussion, run away to the potters if you must. I'll get you stuff and the divorce papers delivered to you. If you really don't want to be here then stay away from my daughter and me, " the woman said glancing down in disgust at a child that looked so much like the man in front of her

"Wait, I want to have Cassiopeia." The man demanded.

The little girl was watching, seeing the two most important people in her life argue over her was terrifying.

"No, you made the mistake now suffer the consequences," She said the grip on her child's hand getting firmer

"Consequences" The man scoffed. "She's my daughter, my world, my life. And you want to take her away from me."

The little girl's heart was torn apart as her father expressed his love for her. But her mother's heart was still broken, she was held in the middle of both of her parents.

"Get out" she repeated for the third and last time. Her hand was shaking in fury.

"No," the man finally replied. "I want my daughter, give her to me" he stated firmly sticking out his hand.

"Cassiopeia, come to your father"

"Cassiopeia, stay right here young lady" She spoke firmly to her daughter.

She then turned to her former lover. "Sirius, she is better off with me. I have more political control than you, so unless you want to be sent to Azkaban, you will leave"

The man was torn. He made his way to the door but suddenly whipped around to face his daughter. "I promise I'll come back for you." His voice cracked. "I love you"

"I love you too daddy," She whispered, not knowing if her words were true or not.

And with that, her father left. And so did a mother's love for her daughter.

5 years later


"Still think daddy is coming back" The mother cackled

The girl just chuckled and gave a familiar smirk, the blood on her face increasing as the cuts got bigger with every movement.

"Still going around screwing men to get even" The girl taunted back.

"You insolent little child, let me teach you a lesson" she spoke in a too-familiar tone


905 Words

This is basically where her life started to go downwards. 

Have a good morning/afternoon or night


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