1.19: The Unforgivables

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{14th of September}

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{14th of September}

After being seriously reprimanded by the two professors, Cassiopeia was let off easy with detention next week. The following day was an exhilarating day for her, today was her first lesson of defense against the dark arts. She dragged her two best friends over to the Gryffindor table. 

There was a sudden rustling noise above them, and a hundred owls came soaring through the open windows carrying the morning mail. Instinctively, Cassiopeia looked up and saw a sign of white among the mass of brown and gray. 

The owls circled the tables, looking for the people to whom their letters and packages were addressed. A large tawny owl soared down to Neville Longbottom and deposited a parcel into his lap — Neville almost always forgot to pack something. On the other side of the Hall Draco Malfoy's eagle owl had landed on his shoulder, carrying what looked like his usual supply of sweets and cakes from home. 

R.A.B, her owl, dropped a letter in front of her plate and landed on her shoulder waiting to be fed. her best friend's gestured for the letter to read out loud, unaware of the nosy teachers behind them.

Chère sœur aînée,

Comment vas-tu? Je me suis tellement ennuyé ici à Nott Mansion, même si notre tante était si gentille avec moi, cuisinant et jouant avec moi. Oncle a regardé sa mère comme un faucon pour une raison quelconque, cela me fait peur. Comment est Poudlard? J'ai entendu dire par la Gazette du Sorcier que d'autres écoles venaient pour un tournoi, y participez-vous? J'aimerais vraiment pouvoir venir avec toi. Je vous souhaite tout le meilleur au monde.

'Pour l'instant et pour toute l'éternité'

Archie Nott

All the boy's around her looked confused, it was then when she realized they couldn't speak french. "Sorry, forgot," Cassiopeia said

Dear older sister,

How are you? I got so bored here at Nott Mansion, even though our aunt was so nice to me, cooking and playing with me. Uncle looked at his mother like a hawk for some reason, it scares me. How is Hogwarts? I heard from the Daily Prophet that other schools are coming for a tournament, are you participating? I really wish I could come with you. I wish you all the best in the world.
'For now and for all eternity
LoveArchie nott

Cassiopeia suddenly felt a presence behind her, however as she turned around, she found the marauders casually conversing with several Hufflepuffs. She, therefore, requested her two personal diaries to remind her to respond to her brother's letter. They then stuffed their faces with food and sauntered to class.

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