0.1: Early bird gets the worm

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{24th of July, 1991}

Translations Below

On July 24th of 1991, Cassiopeia awoke the same way she had been for the past five years. Her little brother jumped on the bed, speaking to her in French.

"Réveillez-vous sœur aînée. Maman sera en colère si vous ne le faites pas, alors elle vous emmènera dans la pièce et vous parlera. Juste comme tu l'as dit" spoke her half brother, a replica of her mother.

Elizabeth had taken Cassiopeia's taunts to heart and had ended up pregnant with a drunk muggle man's child. Her original plan was to treat him like Cassiopeia since abortion would damage their reputation, but when she saw that he looked like herself, she vowed to make sure she doesn't follow the black family line.

"ok petit frère, Je viens" she replied, as she struggled to get up. The family of black tends to be a bit dramatic.

They both descended down the stairs, with pureblood manners that had been drilled into their heads.

"Good morning mother" they chorused in unison

"Good morning son" she replied with a quick glance towards him from her newspaper

"Come, Archie, Kreacher made your favorite today," said Cassiopeia hastily.

Since Archie was born, Cassiopeia made sure that he had no idea about the torture she had faced. It was becoming increasingly difficult with her mother introducing these disgusting aspects of the pureblood society. Leaving him with her mother when she attends school has been an expecting nightmare. She had turned 10 around a month ago and had been dreading her next birthday to arrive and begin her adventure without her baby brother. However, that day was coming a year earlier.

With a crack, Kreacher, who had been a dear companion since her father left and her uncle died, had arrived with the daily mail. As he was passing the letters to her mother, his eyes suddenly widened noticeably by everyone and began advancing towards Cassiopeia. With a shaky hand, either from excitement or terror. He had handed her a letter that seemed to be addressed to her.

"Well, read it girl" snarled her mother

Cassiopeia's eyes have widened just as much as Kreacher's did as she saw the Hogwarts seal. Sensing her mother's agitation and her brother's curiosity, she had begun to read out her letter.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

Ms. Black,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed all the necessary books and equipment.

Term begins. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Deputy Headmistress

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Once she had finished her letter, she had looked up to see the other's reactions. Her mother looked gobsmacked as if she had seen a muggle talk to her, while her brother had this adorable confused expression with his furrowed eyebrows and a slight tilt of his head.

"Impossible you silly child, you're only 10"Elizabeth snarled. Then Elizabeth had a sudden thought as she looked as if she had been hit with a train. "The potter twins are also starting this year, that blasted old fool"

"Pardon me," Archie interrupted, raising his hand.

"Go on son"

"What is Hogwarts and what is wrong with her age? '' he asked, eyes darting between his mother and sister as an explanation.

Their mother let out a long sigh before answering, "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a boarding school for students aged eleven to eighteen. It was founded between the 9th and 10th centuries with the sole purpose to train children with magical abilities. However, your sister happened to get it a year early which is also the year that the potter's kids start Hogwarts. Her father happens to be best friends with James Potter, in fact, your sister happened to be particularly close to the twins"

"'The twins' have names you know" Cassiopeia replied, rolling her eyes "Nico and Harry"

"Yes girl, I do not possess idiocy, unlike some" her mother snarled in response. "Say girl, didn't one twin have quite the liking to you" she taunted

To prevent her cover from being blown, Cassiopeia forcefully answered, "Yes, Nico was quite fond of me. Though I found him quite arrogant"

"Ah,'' her mother replied, "It will be my Hogwarts time again, Mr. Potter spent his time at Hogwarts as a lost puppy, trailing after the mud blood. Why wouldn't I be surprised, you and miss potter go on so well, mud bloods and blood traitors have a lot in common" her mother taunted.

Cassiopeia was boiling inside at the use of such terms, however, her brother was more important. So she just forced a chuckle and winked to Archie who remained oblivious to this interaction.

Archie nodded slowly, still grasping the information being quite young.

"Well," Cassiopeia started, with the infamous smirk passed down from father to daughter, "As the muggles always say 'the early bird gets the worm'"

While Archie chuckled and continued to eat his breakfast, her mother was fuming.

"Child, Come with me into the room. Son stay here and eat your breakfast" her mother said hastily

Within seconds, her mother had thrown her into a dark room. The room she had known a week after her father had left. A room where she had been spat upon. A room where she has experienced one unforgivable curse, the torture. A room where a seemingly innocent spell they teach in the second year that cuts things has been used countless times on her skin. A room that had been stained by misfired spells, knives, or her own blood. A room that could one day her death.


"So you want to read those disgusting things that filth have created" her mother began in a deathly tone

"Yeah, way more interesting than listening to you ramble on all day" she spat.

Elizabeth's Nott's eyes clouded with fury, day by day this insolent child becomes a constant reminder of the man that betrayed her trust. To the cocky grin, the clothes, looks, personality, and the views on society. She was her father's daughter, and she needed to be punished for that.

"Let's start off with the less painful stuff,'' her mother chuckled darkly.



 Réveillez-vous sœur aînée. Maman sera en colère si vous ne le faites pas, alors elle vous emmènera dans la pièce et vous parlera. Juste comme tu l'as dit:

_Wake up older sister. Mom will be angry if you don't, then she will take you into the room and talk to you. Just like you said

ok petit frère, je viens:

_ok little brother, i'm coming

1197 Words

Have a good morning/afternoon or night


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