1.13 : The Unpleasant Argument

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{20th of August, 1994}

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{20th of August, 1994}

When Mr. Nott and Mrs.Nott learned about the treatment of their niece, they were livid. Especially when Alessandro heard of the awful horror that his niece was going through because of the girl's father, he was enraged. He remembered Sirius Black's story from his old colleague, though it seemed to be a lot worse. He was appalled by his sister's behavior and urgently requested more detail from his son. Theodore, on the other hand, has his lips shut, quite undoubtedly at Cassiopeia's demand. 

As he was pacing up and down his workplace, his beautiful wife insisted that the family of three lived with them so he could monitor his sister. He had immediately written a letter to his sister, trying to persuade her to settle here for a year at a low. In his intention to ignore the treatment, he decided to speak with his sister after observing her conduct.

 Upon dismissing the children, he quickly cast a silencing spell, which Elizabeth had performed several times, and closed the doors to the sitting room. He and his spouse began silently contemplating who would yell first until Elizabeth interrupted.

"Well brother, speak now on this suspenseful occasion" Elizabeth stated bluntly, looking back and forth at the couple.

"How dare you," Alessandro yelled, 

"What on the dark lord's name would you be on to, brother?" Elizabeth responded obliviously.

"Sister-in-law, what my husband is attempting to imply is the fact you have given the sense that we need to talk about our niece." His wife said softly,

 "Victoria is correct sister, what on Merlin's name do you even have to account about oneself?" He scoffed,

"Clarify oneself," Elizabeth echoed in disbelief, "I don't want, need, or have to justify anything at all regarding my behavior."

"Of course you need rationality, you're becoming more and more like our father," Alessandro yelled, almost exploding in anger.

"Father has highly influenced the individual I've become positively" Elizabeth sternly replied

"He also influenced the disgusting way you treat a kid" Alessandro yelled, Victoria had just backed out of this sibling argument. 

"That stupid girl isn't my daughter, she is his" Elizabeth yelled in fury. 

"It takes two to make a child Elizabeth", Alessandro retaliated

"And if the other has abandoned his duty, why should I?"Elizabeth reasoned.

 "Since she is only a young girl, she isn't her parent,"  Alessandro retorted

 "How do you say such lies, she is just like him from head to toe," Elizabeth screamed 

"Doesn't she adore her brother? Did black look after Regulus? No! In reality, I believe my niece is just like her uncle; everyone knows she adores her uncle." Alessandro cried. When the name of the deceased friend was spoken, there was a deafening silence.

"Enough already, Regulus Black was a dear friend who was flawless in every way. The child is not," Elizbeth said firmly and then exited the room. 

When Cassiopeia awoke the next morning, there was a distinct sense of post-holiday optimism in the weather. As she dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt, heavy rain splattered against the window; they will change into their school robes on the Hogwarts Express. Not that she wore it properly in the first place. When the three children entered the main dining hall, they were met by her mother, who smirked at the newspaper and sat at the far end of the table.

"Brother, Sister!" she exclaimed. "The Buffon strikes again!"

"... Muggle neighbors heard bangs and screaming, so they went and summoned some muggle to want to be Aurors — Mad-Eye claims he detected an attacker in his yard. He claims he was creeping into the building when he was ambushed by his garbage cans. As far as I can see, they made a lot of noise and shot garbage everywhere. Apparently, one of them was already rocketing around when the men arrived —"

Mr. Nott sighed. "How about the attacker sister?"

"Brother, you know Mad-Eye, anyone sneaking into his yard at night? More than certainly, there's a shell-shocked cat nearby, wrapped with tinned foods. But if the Improper Use of Magic team got their hands on Mad-Eye, I'm sure he jumped out of bed and began jinxing all he could hit through the glass, but they'll have a hard time proving it, there aren't any fatalities."

"Who is Mad-Eye?" Archie inquired.

"He's retired; he used to work at the Ministry," Theodore said.

"When I was four years old, my father took me to work with him. He was an Auror, one of the best... a Dark wizard hunter "Cassiopeia observed her brother's blank face, indifferent to her 'Dad' slip-up, but her mother obviously noticed, so let's just say Alessandro had another 'unpleasant quarrel' with his sister as Cassiopeia perched on her mattress, bandaging her fresh wounds.

Words:  1000


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One of my Favourite songs is Perfect by 1D.

(Literally what I listen on repeat while writing chapters)

(100% stan Larry Stylinson)

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