1.23: Wolf-Boy

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{19th of September, 1994}

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{19th of September, 1994}

Cassiopeia has managed to convince the professor to let her off detention, the reason being "Dumbleduce is already making me hang out with some old dudes. Are you really going to punish me?"

She is the embodiment of the charming Regulus Black.

While Nathaniel was pacing outside the common room, Cassiopeia was impatiently waiting for Nico Potter to sleep.

After 15 minutes, Nico had finally gone to sleep and Cassiopeia races out of the portrait hole to be met with a distraught teenager.

"Where were you, the moon is almost out?" Nathaniel whispered anxiously

"I'll explain later, race you to the tree?" She answered with a sly grin.

After a few moments of silence, they took a glance at each other's faces before sprinting off towards the deadly tree.

They set off toward the whomping willow, sprinting down to beat the full moon. The light was fading fast. By the time they reached open ground, darkness was settling like a spell around them. Cassiopeia seizes a broken branch from the ground and pressed the knot on the trunk. The tree then stopped fighting and the duo disappeared into the gap in its roots, sliding down an earthly slope to the bottom of a very low tunnel.

They moved as fast as they could. The tunnel had begun to rise and they could see a dim light through the small opening. Cassiopeia held in a breath and signaled Nathaniel to be quiet as they overheard a conversation.

"Well Moony, ready to unleash the beast?"

"Padfoot you idiot, he doesn't choose when he can transform ."

"Calm down prongs, just joking"

Cassiopeia raised her wand and gestured for Nathaniel to stay behind. She entered the room. The very disorderly and dusty room. Paper was peeling from the walls; there were stains all over the floor; every piece of furniture was broken as though somebody has smashed it. The windows were boarded up.

"You shouldn't talk so loud, I could have been anyone" Cassiopeia spoke suddenly.

The adults jumped at the sudden noise and started to speak over each other. James decided to clear his throat, silencing the other two.

"Cassiopeia you can't be here, it's not-"

"So what are you boomers doing here?" She cut him of smugly

"I could ask the same question, it's not safe for you to be near-"

"Calm your tits wolf boy, I'm just out on a moonlight stroll like these two gits" she replied, indicating towards Sirius and James

"You know?" Sirius cut in, much to the annoyance of the teenager. The young girl ignored him.

"Anyway Lupin, I've got to help a special someone with their furry little problem. So we will go on the bottom level while you guys hang on the top" she stated, and started to make her way back before she was cut off by Sirius

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