1.34: Lily and Moony

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James had just finished wrapping Cassioepiea's present, which he had to give in two days when the girl slammed the door open.

"Are you-" he started

'Seigneur!" She yelled, 'Seigneur'

"What does 'sei -gen-ur' mean?" James asked, only to be ignored.

"Que dois-je faire, votre fils m'a demandé d'aller au bal de Noël et j'ai juste dit "D'accord". Je pense que j'ai le béguin pour lui, mais je ne sais pas. C'est Nico James Potter ! Oh mon Dieu, je n'ai rien à porter du tout. Elizabeth ne me donnera rien. Je ne peux pas faire ça. Et c'est un champion donc tout le monde connaîtra mes sentiments-"

"Calm Down, English please," said James holding her hands

"Your son asked me to go to the Yule Ball and I just said "Alright". I think I have a crush on him, I don't know. It's Nico James Potter!, I have nothing to wear at all. Elizabeth won't give me anything. I can not do that-"

"Settle down Star," James began, he realized this was going to come sooner or later, "Do you want my help finding a dress,"

"Yes please-" she got cut off by a grey-eyed man.

"Prongs, there are a couple of students who need us," Sirius began before casting an awkward side glance in her direction, deciding to save Cassiopeia, James got up.

"Yeah let's go, meet me at the three broomsticks," James called out.

She was left alone in the room for a couple of minutes before a certain red-head came in.

"James where. Oh, hello Cassiopeia," said Lily as she came in, "Are you alright?" she asked worriedly.

"How'd you know you liked James?" Cassiopeia asked, looking at the floor. Lily sighed and sat next to her on the bed.

"It was complicated, much like you and Nico," said Lily, Cassiopeia looked up to her with red cheeks.

"Yeah, Yeah I know what he's like. Exactly like his father. Talks about every time he comes home, which makes James' brother go mad. I'm guessing he asked you to the ball?" lily said knowingly

"I've spent three years hating him and now suddenly ..." said Cassiopeia, as she struggled to find the right words.

"You can't remember why you hate him or why you reject him even though he's a great guy," Lily said finishing her sentence, Cassiopeia nodded in response.

"I was like you, blinded by the fact I was supposed to hate him. If you keep telling yourself you hate him, those weird feelings of yours won't go away. Take a moment to just think about Nico as a person, not your judgment,''Lily advised.

Cassiopeia closed her eyes and thought of Nico. The excitement in his eyes when he earns Gryffindor another 10 points. The way his face lights up when he sees a custard tart. His warm laugh when he beats his brother at wizard's chess. His smile when she kissed him on the cheek. The way he made her forget all her struggles at home. The kindness he shows when a kid is lost in the halls and he helps them find their classes. The way he bites his tongue when he studies for an exam. The one look that can make butterflies swarm her stomach.

She suddenly shot up from the bed and turned to face Lily with a smile on her face.

"I like him," she said

"Well, don't tell James," Lily replied with her signature kind smile. "I suggest telling Nico at the ball, I'll come with you and James with dress shopping. He might be a bit picky," she said with a wink.

Cassiopeia let out a heartwarming laugh and embraced her godmother in a hug. Lily gave her a motherly hug. Cassiopeia suddenly felt lily tearing up and got confused.

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