xxv. thy father in heaven

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Jophiel hid her face, but couldn't hide the blood dripping from the sides of her torso. She felt immense pain but bit back any sign of weakness. She felt humiliated and betrayed. It felt as if she had been running her whole life.

The only thought that dared to cross her mind is, "am I wrong?"

A part of her felt it would just be easier to apologize to her father, and try to mend, if that were possible, any tension between her and her brothers. She knew her father would potentially forgive her, but when it came to the other archangels, it would not be that easy.

"One of the weakest links in the hierarchy of angels," Metatron spat, "I can feel your fear. You're close to breaking, I can feel it."

Her words sounded crazed, blood-thirsty almost. It was odd, that for her to be God's right hand, she came off as evil, deranged.

"Lucifer, please if you can hear me. I need you.."

"He cannot hear you, little one."

A chill ran up her spine at the voice. Behind Metatron stood her father, in all his glory. Jophiel stared at him, trying to decide what would happen to her. She knew he would never hurt her, but she also knew meeting Raphael earlier was a decent idea.

He stepped forward, slowly but sternly. She studied his face closer and felt a pit in her stomach. His facial expressions did not seem to be angry, but that could simply change in a matter of seconds.

"How dare you betray your family?" His voice booming, "Metatron, leave me to speak with her."

With that, Metatron left, but not before shooting an intimidating smile toward Jophiel. Jophiel was far too afraid to respond to her father, rather, looking back down at her feet, trying to hide any shame.

"Look at you," he begins to walk in circles around her, "you look disgraceful. Your clothes tattered, scars from being casted from heaven, blood from fighting your destiny."

Again, she said nothing.

"Pathetic. You cannot even speak to me, your own father! It's evident that you've allowed your brother, Lucifer, to taint your mind."

For some reason, this is the point where Jophiel felt she needed to speak up.

"He has done nothing to taint my mind."

"Your brother is a deciever, it is what he does."

Deciding to bite her tongue from saying anything harsh, she decides to remain quiet. Why were they so against Lucifer? Why were they still angry with him?

"Your brother is the reason you've commited so many treterous acts against me. Raphael told me what you brought up to him." He paused for a moment, "He was offended that I did not tell him the truth about the case of Judas Iscariot. You are doing exactly as your brother, setting up tensions between your brothers and I-"

"I did nothing of the sort. To began, I knew nothing about what he was going to do. Two, if I am so much like Lucifer, why do you keep bringing me back to Heaven."

She felt anger building up inside herself. Anger she'd not felt since just months prior to the death of Christ.

"Why must I keep being punished? You're hurting me and will not leave me be." Jophiel's eyes began to burn, "Do you not wish for me to be surrounded by people who actually care for me? Or is it that you don't want Lucifer to be surrounded by those who care for him? Your personal vendetta against him is no longer between the two of you, I've been caught in the cross-fire. Michael has been indoctorinated into believing that what he is doing is helping you, but you're using my brother against me. Same with Gabriel, and Raphael as-well."

"Do not blame me for the fact you cannot remain loyal to Heaven."

"I've been casted from Heaven. For millenniums, I have tried to serve Heaven--but I see how that has landed me. Beaten and tortured by me own brothers, and you have done nothing to help me. Why would I serve a place that does not serve me?"

Before she could finish, a hand connected to her cheek.

"You hold your tongue. I will see to it that you are taken care of."

With that, he was gone. Into thin air.

The large doors she once walked through were know being opened with two angels, both carrying swords. Between them was Michael, and next to him, Gabriel.

Michael looked as if he had heard everything you'd said, and a part of you wanted to believe he felt remorseful, but you knew that was not true in the slightest.

On the other hand, Gabriel stood there. His eyes were fixated on you, but there was no twinge of sympathy.

Before being grabbed, she attempted to plead with them to let her go but no words would come out.


thank you for reading, the next following chapters will come out soon! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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