xiv. feelings

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"Jophiel-I do not know if you can hear me but I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have let you find the silver for me." 

Sabrina placed her hand in Jophiel's hand, using her thumb to caress the back of her hand. Lucifer had blamed himself too, worried that this was all his fault. 

He felt remorseful for what he'd done. Nothing anyone could say or do would make him feel any better. 

"You are my best friend till the absolute very end. I need you to wake up." 

Jophiel could hear her every word, but for some reason, she couldn't wake up. Her mind was awake, but her body was not. 

"Lucifer is beating himself up over this." She sniffled. 

Jophiel tried to get a word out but couldn't, instead, she moved her hand just a smidge—alerting Sabrina that she was there. She heard her gasp as she stood up.

"Lucifer—She moved." Her footsteps walking towards a corridor, "Lucifer." 

She heard more footsteps scrambling her way, this time more stern. 


"Darling, pray for me."


"What happened, angel?" 

"I-I've been cast from Heaven." 

That's where his prayers stopped. 

"Wake up, Jophiel." He said, "I know you can. Try." 

He grabbed her hand as she took a gasp of air. Her eyes fluttered open as she tried adjusting to her surroundings. The pain surged from her shoulder blades to the rest of her body. She hissed in pain as she felt tears prick her eyes again. 

"Sabrina, leave. Shut the door." 

She did as she was told. When she stepped out, Lilith and Caliban were both standing right there. 

"What did they do?" 

"I didn't listen." She mumbled. 

"Speak louder." He seemed angry, she wasn't quite sure if it was directed at her or their Father. 

"I disobeyed. I told Him I was going to visit my mother on earth but I met with Caliban." 

"You were cast from Heaven?" 

"Yes, sir."

"I'm not upset with you, Jophiel." 

She remained silent, still hurting from the fact she'd lost her brothers and Father. 

"Please listen to me, I will help you heal. You can stay here in Hell with me. I'll still let you see your mother, everything will be okay." 

"I need to tell her." She began to panic, "My mother. I need to tell he-" 

"Sh." He placed his hand on hers, "You can tell her. Just calm down, you're stressing yourself out." 

For the first time in what felt like forever, Lucifer placed his arm around her—embracing her into a hug. 

"I'm so sorry Lucifer." She cried onto his shoulder.

He hushed her, letting her cry it out.

Out in the hallway, a trio talked about what was happening. 

"Is she okay?" Caliban asked. 

"My father asked me to leave when she woke up." Sabrina answered, "She was still bleeding right before when I redressed her wounds." 

Caliban was worried—he knew that she had been attempting to hide her betrayal. He wasn't sure why he had so many feelings for her.

As they were talking, Lucifer walked towards the door. They each turned to face the door. 

"What happened?" Sabrina asked.

"She's okay. Just stressing herself more than anything." He looked at Sabrina, "I need to speak with you. Caliban, you go sit with her." 

He nods as he makes his way through the door. Jophiel looks up, wiping the tears from her cheeks. 

He smiled weakly at her, "How are you doing?" 

She shrugged, not saying anything. 

"I'm sorry this happened to you." 

"It's not your fault, Caliban. I should've taken more precautions."

"But I shou-"

"Please." She looked up at him. 

He felt his heart flutter in his chest as she looked at him, she looked so weak and vulnerable in front of him. He brushed the hair out of her face as he leaned over towards her. 

She did the same, leaning in until his lips were against hers. They fit perfectly together, her hands found their way up to his face, cupping his cheeks in her hands. 

This lasted for several seconds until he pulled away slightly. 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He said, trying to back up.

"No, don't apologize." She grabbed his hand, "I'm happy you did it." 

"But you're hurt, I shouldn't-"

"What happened to the confident Caliban I first met." 

He smirked ever so slightly, "I just don't want to make you uncomfortable." 

"You won't." She smiled, "You have feelings for me, don't you?" 

His cheeks became a dark red tint, "How-"

"Caliban, I have them for you too. Don't be worried." 

"You do?" 

"Yes, of course." 

He didn't really know what to say after that. 


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