viii. reunion

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"You find the silver first. However, Sabrina's reaction determines who gets the silver." 

"I know how she will react. She will be upset and I'll have to give the silver to Caliban."

"The person you should give it to," He adds. 

Lucifer glares over at him. 

"Should I do it Lucifer?" She looks over at him. 

"Yes, let's say she does become angry - what will she do? Kill you?" He scoffed.

"Good point." She pauses, "But wait, this is against the code-"

"Who cares about the code. Angel, you're in Hell!" 

"I know, but you're still calling me angel so it's still obvious I'm an archangel." 

Several people in the room gasped, but one, in particular, caught her attention. 


When Jophiel turned around, she was speechless. Sabrina had heard every word.

"-and you get mad at me for lying?" 

Right as she was about to retaliate, Lucifer spoke up. 

"That is no way to talk to your aunt." 

"Aunt?" Lilith and Sabrina said in unison. 

"That's how siblings work, I do believe," Lucifer said bluntly. 

"Lucifer-" Jophiel warned, "Sabrina, I told you I wasn't mad. You hid your blood deliberately. You weren't commanded to keep in quiet. In my case, God, or what you'd call, The False God, commanded me not to tell."

"It's the same thing!" 

"Absolutely not." She said sternly.

"This is why I didn't want to tell you!" 

"No, I believe I remember you saying it was to keep me around." 

Sabrina opened her mouth to say something when Lilith cut her off, "You are nothing compared to Sabrina." 

"If this were a competition, I believe Jophiel would win in an instant," Lucifer said, "She was trained by the best." He winks. 

"I'm not wanting to argue with you, Sabrina." She groaned, "And Lilith, stand down. We both know what happened last time." 


"Lucifer? I cannot stay long. Where are you?" 

"Right here, Angel." 

Jophiel turns around, smiling at him. 

"I've missed you!" She runs into his arms. She was now about 15-years-old and was missing her brother a lot. 

"I missed you too." 

"Lucifer, who's this?" A female voice asked behind him. 

He turns around quickly looking at her, "Lilith, this is Jophiel. She's an archangel." 

"Hello, Lilith." Jophiel smiled. 

"Is she your other lover?" She spat, "You tell me when you take on other women!" 

"Lilith, no-" 

"She's a whore-" She grabbed a rock to throw, "A WHORE." 

Jophiel calmly lifted her hand, causing Lilith to stop moving. 

"Don't." Jophiel growls.

"I-" She began to panic, "Dark Lord, please." 

"Jophiel, don't hurt her - she didn't know." 

Instead of Jophiel stopping gently, she twisted her hand sideways causing Lilith to fall backwards and blood began dribbling out of her mouth. 


Lucifer snapped his head back to Jophiel, "Where did you learn that." 

She only winks at him, causing him to smirk. 

-End of Flashback- 

"You threw me backward, so what?" 

"Are you forgetting the blood? Or the fact Lucifer punished you for almost attacking his sister?" 

Lilith stayed quiet after that, Sabrina was shocked that he had said you'd win. 

"I'm not going to be mad either." Sabrina said, "To get back at you." 

Jophiel smiled at that, "Good." 

"But why are you here? Shouldn't you be..." She points up, "Up there?" 

Jophiel shrugs but Lucifer chimes in, "She's decided to take other routes." 

"Absolutely not." 

Lucifer looks over at her, "Excuse me?" 

"I still love Heaven, Luce. I am not going to leave Michael and Gabe." 

He groans, "You're exhausting." 

"-and where the Heaven have you been?" Sabrina yells at Lucifer.

"There was a family reunion I had to go to." 

"You weren't invited." Jophiel laughs. 


short anticlimactic chapter! i promise this will get better, i'm just trying to time it right. make sure to vote and comment, thank you so much! 

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