xiii. pain

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"Please...help. Me." 

Her breathing was sporadic, her body had became numb and so had her mind. She tried to lift herself off of the ground but grew weak. She fell back on the ground and began crawling across the ground to a tree. 

She tried to use the tree to steady herself so she could stand. 

"Is anyone there?" She begged, "Please." 

She grabbed the bag that was left with her and opened it. There sat thirty pieces of silver and another small note, "Make the best choice." 

She felt more tears escape her eyes, "Thank you, Michael." 

She looked around her, noticing the forest she was in seemed very familiar. She tried to stand up off the tree but her vision grew dark. 


She felt her body collide with the ground and then blacked out. 

-In Hell- 

"How are we going to find her?" Caliban groaned, "They've probably locked her up by now." 

"No, they wouldn't-"


He stopped immediately after he heard her voice. Everyone noticed how his demeanor had changed. 

"Dark Lord?" Lilith asked, making her way towards him. 

"Shh." He hissed, "She said my name." 

"Jophiel, tell me where you are."

Everyone in the room watched as Lucifer focused in on her, she had yet to say anything. 

"Jophiel? Where are you?" 

Still nothing. He was becoming irritated, he felt his blood boiling inside of him. Something made him very uneasy, almost like he knew something was wrong. 

He tried not to let his mind go to the worst, but it was very difficult to do so. His mind went straight to wondering if she was okay. Was it a trap? 

"Is she okay?" Sabrina asked, she too felt angry that something had happened to her. 

"She said she'd be careful." Lucifer said, "She's not responding to my prayers." 

He began pacing and holding his head. Lucifer wasn't one to show weaknesses but it was evident this hit him a little too hard. 

He'd just managed to get her back and she's been hurt. He knew it was his fault for making her play a dangerous game--he felt miserable. 

"We have to find her-" Caliban said, trying to remain calm. 

"She's in Heaven-" Lilith began to intervene. 

"No. No-" Lucifer said, turning back around, "I wouldn't hear her prayers in Heaven. She's on earth." 

Sabrina felt her breath hitch in her throat, trying not to let her tears get the best of her. 

"Where would she be?" Sabrina mumbled, "She's gotta be okay." 

"We will check everywhere." Lucifer said, "We won't stop until she'd found."


It had been almost 3 hours since Jophiel had passed out. Blood was still dripping from the wounds on her back where her wings had been ripped off. 

The pain and the amount of blood loss is the reason she couldn't stay steady. The entire time she was out, her breathing was still sporadic and her heartbeat was faint. 

She was still out cold when a voice came from about 10 feet from the left of her. Whomever it was couldn't see her due to her body being slightly hidden behind a tree and weeds. 

"Jophiel!" The voice yelled, "Where are you!" 

They continued walking towards her direction while still yelling for her. When they looked down, they saw the blood on the tree first. Nothing other than that. 

"No. No. NO." They yelled, "Wake up, you're okay." 

"Sabrina?" A male voice yelled, "Where are you?" 

"Over here! She's over here!" 

Sabrina cradled Jophiel's head, pulling her into her lap. Sabrina was bawling her eyes out, trying to use her powers to heal her with no avail.

Lucifer came up behind her, kneeling down with her. 

"Sh, sh. Sabrina, stay calm." Lucifer shushed, "Jophiel, can you hear me?"

He managed to pick her up bridal style, cradling her against his chest. He was clearly stressed, he wasn't sure how bad her injuries were nor how long she had lied there. 

Sabrina quickly got them back to Hell, Lucifer had no clue what to do--he only assumed that maybe his powers could help. He was still panicking, trying to figure out where to lay her. 

"Go find everyone who is searching. Let them know we've found her." 


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